TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Human God and their help to people)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you how you can maintain the state of a Human God contacting other people. This is exactly where the stumbling stone lies for many of you. While getting merged with nature or meditating you have already learnt to reach the state of being united with Earth, people and the Universe, in your everyday life, though, plunging into the energy chaos of the third dimension world only few can manage this so far. And now I will give you some tips that...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Two dimensions’ energies’ interpenetration)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In this message I would like to give you more details on interpenetration of high vibration energies arriving from the higher worlds and earthly ones of the third dimension’s. Let us take the meditation “Rainbow bridge” that I gave you in the previous message as an example. During this meditation you actually open a Portal through which there comes purest Divine energy to Earth. Although new energies have constantly been arriving to Earth these days...

Greetings my dear beloved children! So, let us go on discussing how to reach the state of a Human God on Earth. I know that many of you are confused by the word itself – “Human god”. You imagine a Heavenly being descended on Earth. Yet, each of you is a Heavenly being like this for some time embodied at the physical level for a new experience of self-cognition in new conditions. Unfortunately, the third dimension world drags the majority of people into the “bog” of dual life so badly...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to a new topic and talk about your mission as the Human God on Earth. I want you to understand the difference between the mission of a human and that of the Human God’s. While the former, possessing certain talents or abilities, shares results of their work with the surroundings, taking pleasure in it themselves and giving joy to others, the main purpose of the Human God is to live in two worlds at the same time. And now I will try to...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will talk about another feature of the human immune system. And it is that immunity often fails even when people themselves are at the peak of their high vibrations. Why does this happen? There are several reasons for this. And the main one is your close people, who are often at a much lower level of their spiritual development. Until you move into the Fifth Dimension – into the space where the energies of all its inhabitants are balanced and...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now I want to continue the conversation about your immune system and to give you one simple practice for the daily work to strengthen it. As I said in my previous message, immunity is a Divine core laid in man by nature. A weak immune system is always the result of either internal disharmony or the influence of external factors independent of man. In rare cases, people are born with an already weakened immune system. And here the causes can lie either in the...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your immune system: how to “debug” it in such a way that it helps you during this crucial period of vibrational adjustment of your entire body. But first, let’s figure out what the immune system is and what affects it the most. The immune system, or simply immunity, is but the Divine “core” laid in a person by nature onto which physical and mental components that you have already acquired during your life are...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy mechanism of Earth transformation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To continue with my previous message I would like to give you a more detailed explanation of what I mean saying that Earth is “turned inside out” It is sure to be an approximate figurative comparison, yet, it is the one that most precisely reflects the mechanism of Earth’s energy transformation. Since it is at the energy level where the main energy changes of Earth occur, you should understand this expression the following way. During Earth’s moving...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! To make it easier for you to understand how exactly the transition of your planet to another reality will occur, I will try to demonstrate it using the example of your own “flowing” into the Fifth dimension assisted by the Tetragonia civilization. Imagine Earth, just like a person, passing through a corridor provided by the representatives of this civilization. Yet, all this happens step by step since this corridor is not straight but is somewhat...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Topsy-turvy into parallel reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now it is time to move on to the practice of transiting to the Fifth dimension. The situation on your planet gets more complicated. The absurd in social and political spheres that reached its critical point, uncontrolled human emotions and ultimate ignorance of the Laws of the Universe have resulted in still increasing number of natural disasters. Co-existence in the single energy space of such different worlds as the third and fifth one are is becoming...

Greetings, dear earthlings! I have come today to share the latest news about processes occurring at the subtle level of Earth and about the role the GLF plays in them. Before all, I would like to thank all the Light’s assistants who help us greatly by simply being on the same wavelength with Ascension of Earth constantly increasing their vibrations thereby increasing the level of human conscience as well. During the last months on your planet there took place significant changes in many...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to make a conclusion of what has been said in my previous messages about elements. I hope, now you understand that all the five elements exist in each of you, and you are closely connected with them not only in terms of energy but physically as well. This is exactly the reason why at the final stage of human disease called “duality” its symptoms began to show themselves on your planet in outrageous behaviour of natural elements: Earth,...