Passing year’s outcomes
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to digress from our topic and sum up the year of 2019 in some way. It has become truly crucial for many and many inhabitants of your planet since in terms of energy it has separated them into those who potentially can resonate with the new vibrations of Earth and perform Transition alongside with it into the Fifth dimension and those who will not be able to do this under any circumstances. Unfortunately, the former are much less...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Unipolarity as endless diversity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will go on speaking about what a Unipolar Mind is. I would like you to well understand that Unipolar does not mean it is somewhat one-sided at all. As a matter of fact, it is limitless since embraces ALL THE KNOWLEDGE gained by humanity for the time of its existence. How is it possible? A person who has passed the border of the Fifth dimension by their conscience finds themselves in the energy space of Unconditional Love with quite different physical...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what a Unipolar Mind is and the fact that it is now taking over a third dimension mind. I know, my dear ones, how difficult it is for you to get rid of the dual mentality that has already become your second nature. But you should get a clear idea that without this you will not be able to live in the Fifth dimension energy space since you will not manage to cross the vibration “border” separating the two worlds. And know you...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Opening up a new energy space)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we start a new topic that can roughly be called “Opening up a new energy space”. It will become some kind of a manual on survival on Earth in the period of its Transition from the third dimension to the Fifth one. You should learn to INVARIABLY stay within the fourth dimension to make it go smooth for all the participants of Ascension. And this is what it means. By your conscience you should not go back any more to the third dimension not even for...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Divine transformation of brain)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of Unconditional Love that is the core of the Human God’s Soul, today I would like to focus on one more its feature that many of you do not take into consideration. Have you ever thought why people so easily break their promises, why their good intentions are not made true and bring no fruit? Of course, in this case the promises concerning spiritual issues are being spoken about. Remember how many times you have told...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about another component of Unconditional Love – TOLERANCE. What does a third dimension person mean by this notion? Quite often it means a necessity to put up with the things they do not like but have to take into consideration. And even if a person takes the things they do not agree with silently and with a polite smile at the subtle level it looks like a tough confrontation that pulls into its whirlpool all the participants...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Uniting principle of Unconditional Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about Unconditional Love and will focus on its chief component. We will consider it in regard with its Uniting Principle. What does it presuppose? First of all, the fact that having overcome the division into “ins and outs” and having learnt to live in Timelessness – in the state of “Here and Now”, a Human God becomes some kind of a “reference point” for other people’s revival. And this is what I mean by this...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about Unconditional Love that is the cornerstone of Human God’s life and mentality. One of its chief components is their PERCEPTION OF WORLD. Human God’s world-view is perception of reality as physical manifestation of the processes occurring at the subtle level in all its variety. A Human God watching the events easily understands the underlying reason of each situation – the entire chain of energy interaction between...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way the opinion of other people influence your inner state. Can you feel Unconditional Love towards someone who criticizes, mocks, censures or does not understand you? I know that so far few of you have succeeded in this, and the reason is as follows. It happens not only because it hurts your pride but mainly due to the fact that you unintentionally get the feeling of doubt whether you are right. It applies not only to the...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Unconditional Love to oneself)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about Unconditional Love to oneself. Strange as it may sound, but for many people it is much easier to love others than themselves, and there are several reasons for this. The main of them is that you are well aware of all your drawbacks, and because of this it seems to you that you yourself do not deserve Love. The one who has embarked on the course of spiritual development is often characterized by self-analysis and self-reproach. They...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the Unconditional Love and will study one more its component. Have you ever thought why people so often and sometimes so unexpectedly have their mood swings that they do not understand the reasons for it themselves? There are several reasons for that, but the main one is that a person lacks Unconditional Love. The thing is that Unconditional Love comprises TOTAL CONFIDENCE IN WORLD. And it shows itself in the fact that a...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we continue the conversation about Unconditional Love that is the basis of the view and understanding of the world around us by the Human God. After you learn not to divide people into ins and outs, the second step on the path to your spiritual perfection should become the STATE of TIMELESSNESS. And this is what it means. Theoretically, you have already learned perfectly well that every Soul is immortal and goes a long way of incarnations in different...