Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the reasons why the plan of actions carefully considered by reptiloids suddenly had a glitch and how you should behave in this situation. As it was mentioned in my previous message, these “masters of the world” did not expect so many people can understand what is going on behind the curtains of the play performed by them. That is why now they are going to lay emphasis on the horror of the pandemic even more and...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the way you should behave during this hard period of overall quarantine on Earth. Since unlike those who gave way to fear and is readily listening to everything announced through mass media you understand that this “show” with the big name of “Pandemic” is performed according to a strictly determined scenario. But “script writers” and “stage directors” did not take into account one thing: “extras”...

Greetings, my dear earthlings! The events on your planet start developing faster than we expected, and it is accounted for by the fact that Earth itself is about to discharge the burden of the third dimension world energies that have already turned beyond its strength. At the physical level it resulted in a severe confrontation between all the authorities subordinated to the hidden government, to judicious humanity and the Forces of Light having made a stand for it. What do I mean when say...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to draw your attention to some details of the events taking place on Earth. After the first wave of panic and fear caused by the new virus that appeared in the world and the quarantine resulted from it has rushed back, the ruling top of the world having failed to achieve the expected result is now desperately thinking over the plan of further actions aimed at resumption of panic mood in humans in order to keep Earth vibrations at the level...

Every cloud has a silver lining
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about the influence your work at the subtle level makes on the processes taking place on Earth. I am glad that each of you who read my messages responds them in an effective and creative way. The meditations you are doing are really as invaluable as each pure human Soul that has come to Earth during this period that is so hard for it. And now when energy chaos resulted from inadequate measures taken by authorities following...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now, when death agony of reptiloids who seized power on Earth and the chaos resulted from this have reached its climax I would like to ask you to do the meditation on the disconnection of collective human conscience from collective reptiloid conscience every day. Let us call it “Deliverance from slavery” For this you should invoke ALL the Higher Powers of the Universe, ALL your Galaxy siblings, your Star family, ALL Higher aspects of your Soul and plunge...

Greetings, my dear earthlings! Here the moment of clarity has come on your planet. Everything concealed has become revealed. You have realized how fragile your world is and how much it is dependent on the group of “people” who seized power on your beautiful Earth. Just in a scope of several months they have managed to turn the globe into a huge prison almost having declared martial law in all leading countries of the world. Suddenly the usual life of millions of people was ruined, friends...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress from our topic and will speak about the coronavirus that frightens people so much and contributes chaos to your life. As you already know, it was created long ago, and its manifestation in the outer world was planned beforehand by the hidden government of your planet. Why does it show itself just now? There were several reasons for that, but the main one is that present masters of the world have realized their collapse is...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Role of sixth chakra in a new human body)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you what role the sixth chakra – the third eye – plays in creation of a new light crystalline body. As you already know, it is this chakra that is the first one among the Divine human sense organs. And as a person is making progress in spiritual development, more Divine chakras of theirs get activated. As for the Human God in addition to seven basic chakras they have activated at least their eighth chakra and at most the tenth one that...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will talk about how you can strengthen the energy unit of the created light crystalline body of yours that has embraced your five chakras and the subtle bodies corresponding to them. At the subtle level it looks like this. All your lower chakras have acquired the same volume, as well as your subtle bodies. And it is accounted for by the fact that they have the same vibration frequency and a single basis – light crystals. Though in appearance you...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Protective sphere of love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider one more important aspect of human physical body transformation into the light crystalline one. And it has to do with its opportunity to exist simultaneously in two worlds – the third dimension and the Fifth dimension one. While the conscience of a person embarked on the path of Ascension has already adjusted to the vibration fluctuations that are so wide and has worked the means of protection against negative energies of the dual...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your attitude to your nearest and dearest whose conscience and physical bodies unlike yours are still totally within the power of the third dimension world. How can you harmonize relationships in your family when stratification according to vibration frequency among all the family members is drastically gaining in scale? We have talked a lot about the fact that only energy influence can be useful in this case since for a person who...