REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (A human and a reptiloid’s child’s birth energy process)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In order to round up with the issue of energy interaction of humans, reptiloids and clones I would like to touch upon one more its aspect: a child’s birth energy process with parents being a human and a reptiloid. As I have already mentioned in one of my recent messages in mixed marriages like this there can be born a human, a reptiloid or a human reptiloid. Everything depends on whose ENERGY will win. If living together with a reptiloid a human is...
REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Energy structure of clones)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on clones, to be exact, on their energy structure and interaction with humans. These creatures, in spite of having the same appearance as humans, have nothing to do with them in terms of energy. As they completely lack any chakra system it can be said they have no energy of their own. They can’t get charged with energy neither from the Divine source like humans nor from the earthly one like reptiloids. So what do they live...
Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I would like to tell you what is going on in the near-earth space and explain to you the reasons for my yesterday’s message on the Victory Day’s celebrations. The Higher Powers of the Universe and the Galaxy Light Federation are making unprecedented attempts to purify your planet from low vibration frequency energy so that it can rise to a new energy level. For this purpose there have been employed thousands of extraterrestrial spaceships specially...
Greetings, my dear earthlings! My today’s message will be dedicated to what you call the Victory Day. For the majority of you this day symbolizes the victory over enemy you paid so dearly. And now I will tell you what is going on at the subtle level of Earth. For more than seventy years after the war over Europe there has appeared a separate powerful egregor that can symbolically be called “Memory of war”. And each country supplies with energy a part of it – its own mini-egregor that...
REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Energy interaction between a pureblooded reptiloid and a half-bred)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you the mechanism of energy interaction between reptiloids – pureblooded and half-bred ones. As a rule, it is difficult for pureblooded reptiloids to get on well with one another since both their energy interaction and communication at the physical level is based exceptionally on exploitative treatment: each of them strives to get as much energy and material benefit from the other as possible. Their life together turns into...
REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (A sigh of relief)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we have reached the most complicated point of energy exchange taking place in a child born from a reptiloid and a human and inhabited by two souls: a Divine human Soul and an earthly “curtailed” soul of a reptiloid. In this case the energy exchange between a human and a reptiloid occurs both inside and outside. This situation is consistent with the Universal Law “the outer reflects the inner”, too but it has double manifestation since each soul...
REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Energy exchange between a human and a reptiloid)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I am going to tell you about the way energy exchange happens between a human being and a reptiloid. To begin with, their chakra systems are quite different from each other. Most of reptiloids live by the three lower chakras that help them to have their feet very firm on the ground and assert themselves due to it. In other words, they are ultimately earthly creatures altogether deprived of heavenly – Divine – energy connection. The three upper human...
REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Life in all its diversity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages on reptiloids. I see that many of you have taken the messages in different ways: for some people the information came as a shock and they were scared by it, for others it resulted in aggression and the desire to act the way you are used to in the dual world – the enemy is identified and should be defeated. Yet, my dear ones, neither of the approaches can be right. While dictating these messages I...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to digress from the topic and tell you about energy peculiarities of the recent days. Probably, some of you noticed that since the middle of April quite unusual energies have been arriving to Earth. They are not simply powerful but really mighty and rich. It can be said that the high vibration frequency energies showering Earth nowadays have undergone the transition from quantity to a new quality. And today I would like to explain to you...
REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Methods of cloning)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let’s go on speaking about clones and study some more methods of their production. Method 2. This is producing a perfectly new creature out of a human cell. This method is in high demand among reptiloids as it is absolutely safe. All over the world there are hundreds of secret laboratories churning out such clones. How are they introduced into society? Such creatures keep the genetic memory of humans whose DNA they originate from but it has some...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now when you have a clear understanding of what reptiloids are and in what way they differ from humans I would like to cover one more topic connected with their evil deeds on Earth. This time we are going to discuss gene-modified creatures that appear in hundreds of thousands on your planet. To produce them reptiloids got the best human minds and the cutting-edge technologies in service. Let’s consider what gene-modified “humans” are. To cut a long...
REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Deliverance from reptiloid soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we have reached the most important point: we are going to speak about ways of deliverance from reptiloid presence in a human body where a pure Divine Soul neighbours a reptiloid one. What are conditions necessary for that to happen? Certainly, it can be carried out if a human being is fully aware of it. Since Earth and human vibration frequencies are increasing dramatically, it is before long that humans will be able to see reptiloids hiding in human...