Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will talk about how you can strengthen the energy unit of the created light crystalline body of yours that has embraced your five chakras and the subtle bodies corresponding to them. At the subtle level it looks like this. All your lower chakras have acquired the same volume, as well as your subtle bodies. And it is accounted for by the fact that they have the same vibration frequency and a single basis – light crystals. Though in appearance you...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Protective sphere of love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider one more important aspect of human physical body transformation into the light crystalline one. And it has to do with its opportunity to exist simultaneously in two worlds – the third dimension and the Fifth dimension one. While the conscience of a person embarked on the path of Ascension has already adjusted to the vibration fluctuations that are so wide and has worked the means of protection against negative energies of the dual...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your attitude to your nearest and dearest whose conscience and physical bodies unlike yours are still totally within the power of the third dimension world. How can you harmonize relationships in your family when stratification according to vibration frequency among all the family members is drastically gaining in scale? We have talked a lot about the fact that only energy influence can be useful in this case since for a person who...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you how you can anchor in your subconscience the new programmes containing mental concepts of the Fifth dimension now. But before this I would like to explain to you what the difference is between the stereotyped mentality of the third dimension person and the Human God’s conscience. While back in time it was stereotyped – pattern mental and behaviour reactions that were implanted into your subconscience, now at the threshold of...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Vibration frequency leveling of five lower bodies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the process of vibration frequency leveling of your causal body with the three lower bodies that are now a single energy unit. But by the time you start work at the causal body, it is really important to bring to the same vibration frequency your physical, etheric and emotional bodies. To make sure that you have succeeded in this, you can use the following method. Having made the train of thoughts stop and having reached the state...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let us go on speaking about the way of harmonizing and balancing the vibrations of the four lower bodies now: physical, etheric, emotional and causal. These bodies’ merging into a single energy system can happen only on condition that your fourth chakra and the corresponding emotional body are able to let the high vibration energies of your three renewed lower bodies pass through them. To facilitate this you should activate your Crystal of Love set in...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we are moving to the causal body and its role in your new light crystalline body formation. As you know, it is exactly the body that is responsible for self-expression of a person that is manifested in all creative aspects of life. As for the people of the third dimension world, who are the majority on Earth, it shows itself in speech patterns, overwhelming thoughts, analysis of these or those events, reasoning, arguments, idle talk and sometimes in...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to another stage of your physical body transformation into the light crystalline one. After you have acquired a single vibration frequency of your three lower bodies – physical, etheric and emotional, you will have to “pull” them up to your causal body vibration frequency. And now I will explain to you why the sequence of the work with your subtle bodies will be interfered with in this case. As it has already been said in my early...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on speaking about the mechanism of energy influence of human conscience on the body. As it has already been said in my previous message your thought resembles an energy “ray” that you can direct to this or that part of your body, to this or that of its organ. And the impact it makes on your body depends on the energy this “ray” conveys. To make it easier to imagine you can compare it with a laser ray that has a wide range of...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress a little from the issue of new energies and will talk about the things that are going on now at the subtle level of Earth. To cut a long story short, the processes occurring there can be called energy perturbation. And this is what it means. The changes of the magnetic field of Earth that took place at the beginning of the year triggered the redistribution process of energy interaction between heavenly bodies of your galaxy. Of course,...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Mechanism of your conscience influence on life)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you the mechanism of your conscience influence on you and your life in more details. In my messages it has already been mentioned a lot of times that you can create your reality by the power of thought and that conscience is primary in all the physiology processes of a human being. And now we will look into the way it helps to transform your physical body into the light crystalline one taking the practice “Air body” as an...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Spirituality criteria)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is addressed to those of you who so far do not clearly perceive their chakras and subtle bodies, that is, to those who have to take everything for what it is worth with no “material” proof of my words. I know that such people are numerous and that sometimes you think you are poorly performing, defective or not spiritual enough. As a matter of fact, it is wrong. Believe me, my dear ones, in many cases well developed subtle organs’...