WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unique opportunity to get rid of unwelcomed neighbour)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, today we will talk about the opportunities a pure human Soul gets at present when Earth’s vibrations are increasing more and more every single day. And at issue will mainly be Divine “seeds” – the souls that have come to your planet to gain the experience of Ascension in their physical body. It is them who make up the major part of the revived that not only oppose globalists’ plans on annihilation of humanity but also help others revive, the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! I would like to address my today’s message to those of you who are at the front line of the struggle against globalists. And they are actually a whole army of the people who are ready to sacrifice a lot including their life for the sake of justice establishment on your long-suffered planet. Who do I rank among this category of people? First of all, of course, those who protect not only their own country’s interests but also universal human values and...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy incompatibility)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the complex processes that take place during interaction between people with two souls living in their bodies: one is of high vibrations and the other one is of low vibrations. But for a start, I would like to explain to you in more detail how exactly they coexist since I see that for many of you it remains something incomprehensible. When it comes to “duality” of the human soul, it is most often explained by dual world...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Forced “cohabitation”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk with you about the interaction between high vibration pure souls and the so-called “half-breds” – the owners of two souls, with one of them being human and the other one belonging to a representative of one of the low vibration civilizations. You see, Earth is a whole gamut of different living beings and sometimes of by far the most incredible combinations of souls in one physical body. This is what makes your planet unique...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Antidote” for vampire)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued today I would like to go into details of the influence made on people by the representatives of low vibration civilizations embodied as humans. As you already know, all of them to this or that extent are energy vampires and their main goal is to provoke human outbursts of negative energy, the one they “feed on”. This is exactly the reason why people feel so ill at ease by their side even if the former keep...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (In agreement with origin)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you should arrange your relationships with the representatives of low vibration civilizations that are embodied as humans. To start with, it should only be done when there is no opportunity to escape interaction with them: for example, if they are your family members, colleagues or bosses. Before all, you should accept the fact that life has not put you in such conditions by chance – it means, it is time to learn this...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One’s own or stranger’s blood)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the interaction of Earth’s inhabitants in terms of their “origin”. As a matter of fact, each of you bears a particle of this or that civilization and most often several particles at the same time since this is the way that the human DNA was created: by means of gene engineering – mixing of DNAs of a variety of extraterrestrial civilizations. It was done with the best intentions – the desire to create...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Testing area named “Earth”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to go into more details on the interaction of the civilizations whose representatives are embodied on Earth now. It concerns the representatives of both high and low vibrations civilizations. And since they are rarely to come across in their pure form, the interaction between them is a whole conglomeration of different qualities that are sometimes similar but most often distinct and even opposite. It...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Universe scale experience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be a little unusual to you since we will be discussing not some certain issue but will look into the current events on Earth from a global – universe perspective. As you already know, the climax of the confrontation between the Forces of Good and Evil on your planet has already reached its peak. And it shows at each corner of the Universe. This is the way Unity becomes evident – the energy that is the “cementing material”...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Visible and invisible manifestations of Fifth dimension on Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to round up with our talk on the manifestations of the Fifth dimension on Earth and draw some conclusion. Perhaps, you have noticed that these manifestations can roughly be divided into two categories: visible and invisible. Visible ones include manifestation of rainbow portals in the skies, dissolving of chemical substances and compounds that are dispersed into the air from aircrafts, appearance of extraterrestrial spaceships that are now...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (The way your word will echo)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about one more phenomenon of these days that is also a manifestation of the Fifth dimension on Earth. Perhaps, many of you have noticed that at present energy exchange between people is occurring so fast that all the energies you emit outwards this or that way return to you almost immediately. Now you often manage to “foresee” “the way your word will echo” in terms of your interlocutor right during the talk. And it...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the manifestations of the Fifth dimension on Earth that are apparent to few so far. They can be judged about by external signs rather than some other ones. And at issue will be the assistance provided by your Galaxy family in terms of globalists’ actions neutralization, the ones that are aimed at annihilation of humanity. As a matter of fact, without this assistance the consequences of their actions would have been horrible...