Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be dedicated to the latest events on your planet. Here has come, my dear, the very crucial moment that is to decide the fate of your planet. As it has already been said in my messages more than once, it is essential that people get the taste of their own victory, not the one introduced from without whoever it may be. It is the only way they can start creating a new life in the agreement with their own ideals – the ones that have...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Creating Fifth dimension space around oneself)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we move on to the sixth point of your Plan on self-realization and spiritual development. Now you are to learn to create the space of the Fifth dimension around yourself physically still living in the third one. If you manage to cover successfully the previous points of your Plan, it can be said you are on your way to this now. So this time you will only have to consolidate the results of your work at yourself so as to maintain your vibrations at the...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Rearrangement of life priorities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! The fifth point of your Plan on the fast leaving of the third dimension matrix can become the rearrangement of life priorities. What do I mean by this expression? Before all, it is reconsideration of what is really important in your life and what you can throw away out of it with no regret thereby freeing your thoughts and making time for spiritual work at yourself. As far as time is concerned, I think everything is clear, but it is quite hard to free your...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Inner energy influence signs)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the influence on your energy space produced by your own inner traits. Perhaps, many of you have noticed that no matter how powerful the protective shield that you set over yourself is sometimes it does not work. And most often the reason is that your negative emotions and third dimension world programmes break it through from inside. So, now it is you who become the cause of your vibrations’ decrease. Unfortunately, not...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Destructive habits)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to move on to the fourth point of the Plan of actions for your prompt passing the stages of your spiritual road. Well, you have already stopped watching or listening to the mainstream media, worked through your fears having forced them out of your conscience and subconscience, learnt to protect your energy space from external influence and mastered the principles of communication with different people. But, of course, my dear, you should...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Non-intersecting realities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to two previous messages today we will look into the third variant of the interaction of the people at the different levels of vibrations. And this time let us take the so-called “neutral” variant when both the persons follow their own way almost not interacting either in terms of energy or words. Feeling their vibration inconsistence they by intuition stand aside, having no negative emotions at that. This way their feeling of self-defence...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Leveling of vibrations)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the interaction of two people featuring different vibrations. Now let us study the second variant of such interaction. This time the person vibrating at the sixth chakra is perfectly aware of their responsibility for themselves and their interlocutor and does everything possible not only to maintain their own vibrations at the appropriate level but also to try to increase their interlocutor’s vibrations from the third...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Vibration wall)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about how you can learn to interact with different people – both with those at the same vibration wave with you and those whose vibrations are much lower than yours. Why do I pay so much attention to this? Only because it determines the maintenance of your own vibrations at the appropriate level – the thing you all should strive for since their stability is a guarantee of your Transition to a new dimension. And while...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Purifying whirlpool of Energy of Ascension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about how you should arrange contacts with people to make them the most beneficial both for yourselves and for them. But first, I would like to give you one more tip. Never start a conversation on the issues you are excited about being tired or irritated. It will not bring good results but can just alienate you from each other. Do not do this in a hurry either otherwise you can miss the most...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Keep calm and calm again!)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to talk in some details about your energy space protection from external influence. The first step to this will become your skill not to get involved into unproductive discussions. This will be already something to save your aura from negative alien energies and will help maintain harmonious inner state. It is this state that makes the foundation of your vibrations stability since the purity of your energy...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (One’s worldview and energy space protection)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, having got rid of the dependence on the mainstream media, as well as having purified your conscience and subconscience from the energy of fear, you will make genuine progress in your spiritual development. And now we can move on to the third point of our plan that is protection of your new worldview and energy space from external influence. While you used to be guided by politicians, journalists, “experts” on a variety of fields who this way or...
Greetings, my dear light Souls! Today I have come to tell to you about the currents events on Earth and the things you are awaited by in the nearest future. Perhaps, you have already noticed yourselves that at the beginning of the year there started to progress a lot of processes that “skidded” before. The revival of a growing number of people resulted in the wave of population’s discontent gradually turning into a tsunami this time that soon will start to sweep off the marionettes of the...