TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Universe Energy of Supreme Creator)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will focus on another energy that in terms of vibrations is very close to those of the Energy of Supreme Creator’s ones and even their names are alike. It is called Universe Energy of Supreme Creator. So, what is the difference between them? Universe Energy of Supreme Creator is the energy of the pineal gland, and, consequently, it can be received only by the people with their pineal gland fully activated. Their names being so similar is accounted...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the next energy that is available to those who already perceive their sixth chakra well. This is the energy of the first stage of the Fifth dimension and it is called the Energy of Supreme Creator of the Universe. This energy is designed to revive in a person the memory of their Divine origin – of the fact that they were created after the image and likeness of God, which means they are God’s particle. Try to invoke this...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, now we will speak about the Energy of Creator. It will not be an exaggeration to call this energy that of the fourth dimension and here is the reason for that. This energy came to your planet when Earth’s transition to the Fifth dimension became irreversible. So as to help you better understand the sequence of Divine energies’ arrival at Earth, you can imagine your planet being submerged, like into dirty water, into the third dimension energy...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Before we move on to the Energy of Creator – the one that in terms of vibrations comes next after the Energy of Love and Light, I would like to tell you in more details about the interaction mechanism of high vibration energies arriving at Earth with people. And now we will consider it citing the example of the Energy of Reiki and the Energy of Love and Light. The Energy of Reiki that appeared on Earth almost one hundred years ago to some extent has...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the energy which vibrations are considerably higher than those of the Уnergy of Reiki’s. This is the Energy of Love and Light. While Reiki is Divine energy of the third dimension, the Energy of Love and Light can be called intermediary between the third and the fourth dimensions. In other words, it can be accepted only by the person who has already left the third dimension world bounds, that is, the one who realized oneself as a...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about energies and their practical application. And we will start with classification of Divine energies according to their vibrations. The most widely spread Divine energy on Earth at present is the Energy of Reiki that many people use for healing. It really works for people whose vibrations are still at the level of the third dimension. This energy came to your planet at the beginning of last century and it was of rather high...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to a new topic. I will tell you in more details about the impact produced on you by new energies and about the way your conscience and body transformation will occur at the last stage of Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension. Now, when most of you have already managed not just get acquainted with them at the subtle level but also feel them physically, it is time to switch over from theory to practice making use of these Divine...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Main things about sexual energy – continuation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will finish summarizing the series of my messages on sexual energy. Sixth. The second chakra responsible for human sexual energy makes direct influence on their other chakras. And it happens because of the fact that it is sexual energy that determines one’s place in society. The physical and psychic health of a person, which is their other chakras’ responsibilities, mostly depends on how powerful and pure this energy is. The first chakra is...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Main thing about sexual energy)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on sexual energy and highlight the most important things. First. You should not confuse sexual energy with sexual desire. The former is clearly pronounced identity of a person to this or that sex, while the latter is a manifestation of sexual energy outwards with the aim of coition of the feminine and the masculine for procreation. Both of them were initially predetermined by human nature. Second. Sexual...

Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I have come to you as an envoy of the Galaxy Light Federation so as to coordinate our joint actions. At present the confrontation between the ruling top of the world and the best part of humanity is reaching its final stage. And it is mainly expressed by the fact that all leading countries’ authorities raise fear and panic on the forthcoming second wave of “pandemic”, while the revived part of the planet’s population is at the middle of disclosing...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Divine human nature perversion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of sexual energy I still will touch upon the energy inside of different kinds of sexual perversions that in modern world have become enormous in scale. It mostly concerns the so-called “democratic” countries where “unconventional” sexual relationships are not only treated with tolerance but they are almost being forced on people. Why does it happen and who stands behind it? Of course, there are those behind it who...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about sexual energy as an inborn quality of a human and the influence made on it by one’s upbringing. Watching children you can easily trace how early female qualities show themselves in girls and those of men’s in boys. But then a lot depends on their parents. They can both develop their child’s sexual energy having increased its vibrations and decrease its energy level by their style of upbringing. The fact that the...