WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unintentional revival)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message that said about two groups of people – those who believed the authorities unreservedly and those who could figure out the genuine message of the things in progress today we will talk about the segment of Earth’s population that cannot be ranked among either the former, nor the latter. As a matter of fact, everything that is taking place on your planet cannot be considered from the black-and-white perspective. A...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Two sides of “coin”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the reason why for recent years a lot of people have had such an enormous leap of conscience towards Light. As you already know, the Dragon reptiles and their marionettes at the helm have been nurturing the plans for total enslavement of humanity for centuries. But in the beginning they did it slowly as if stealthily being afraid that people will be able to discern their project. So, slow but sure they were making the...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Step forward)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about a new stage of developments on Earth that can be described as a step forward in comparison with the situation that arose three years ago. Let us consider what used to happen then and what happens now from the point of view of the person who finds themselves at the threshold of Ascension. For these years a lot of people’s conscience has undergone huge changes that in other conditions they would have to acquire for a number...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (At the brink of precipice)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start a new topic that has to do more with your future this time. I know that patience in terms of many of you is running out because it seems to you that everything is happening according to globalists’ plan so far. Externally it actually looks like this as power and mass media are still in the grip of the deep state’s marionettes. But the deep state itself does not almost exist anymore. And the thing here is not only in the fact that new...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unique particle of Creator)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why I pay so much attention to your spiritual work at yourselves. We have already talked a lot about the fact that in the world of the Fifth dimension people become “transparent” to others. It will be impossible to pass yourselves for what you are actually not there. And so as to be ready for this, it is essential to develop such qualities as open-mindedness and naturalness in yourselves. As a matter of fact, it does...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Desire for spiritual ideal)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about what a person who always remains sincere to themselves and the people around should be. This is the ideal that should be sought and that is extremely rare to come across in the third dimension world. The thing is that the third dimension world itself originally implies duality of every thought, emotion and deed of a person. During all your incarnations in the third dimension world you have imbibed duality with your...

Greetings, dear earthlings! We have come today to support you in your hour of need. We see that many of you have been overtaken by disappointment because of the fact that Transition has been prolonged that much. You have such an impression because you take into consideration only external factors. It seems to you that everything is running along the beaten track – in accordance with the plans of those who you call globalists. But we would like to tell you that the scenario in which their plan...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Look into one’s Soul’s secret store)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In my previous messages we dwelt on the two extremes of a person’s behaviour who wants to seem either better or worse than they actually are. But, as usual, the truth is somewhere half way along. Most often one has a lot of traits of one’s character “interweaved” and depending on the situation one can behave differently sometimes even becoming totally oneself this time. Well, what does “remain oneself” mean? As a matter of fact, so as to answer...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Inner aggression)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about one more thing that prevents one from remaining oneself. And this time we will consider another extreme: when a person tries to seem worse than they actually are. Most often in this case the reasons for such behaviour date from childhood, too. So, an unloved child tries to take revenge on everyone and anyone for their unlucky lot. Their assumed rudeness or, on the contrary, a mask of indifference and reticence serve...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Pain from childhood)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, as a follow-up to my previous message let us talk about the things that prevent you from remaining yourselves all the time. Most often one tries to seem better than one really is because of the desire to conceal one’s weak points. As a rule, they are something too personal and so deep that sometimes a person cannot define clearly themselves what they are. Most of them originate in childhood. These are the very never-healing children’s wounds that...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To be and not to seem)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about one more peculiarity that is typical of most people of the third dimension world that one had better start getting rid of already now. And it is in that many people try to seem better than they actually are, which is hindering both for them themselves and the people around. It is hindering for them themselves because they gradually stop taking themselves impartially having come to believe in the very image of themselves that...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Keep up with the Joneses)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about one more “attribute” of the third dimension world that has taken deep root in the conscience and subconscience of people. And at issue will be your desire to live with the best. As a matter of fact, it is based on the fear again but in this case this fear is the one a person is unaware of therefore it is not that easy to recognize. Well, what does it imply? First of all, it is one’s fear to get reputed as a failure,...