WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (From education to spiritual destitution)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about one more phenomenon of modern society that is fraught with danger invisible at first sight. And at issue will be principle change of education system, which leads to general spiritual destitution. Perhaps, you have noticed the huge gap between the older generation that received classical education and young people who are deprived of it. By the expression “classical education” I mean what is deprived of digitizing...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Cryptocurrencies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about one more hazard in financial sphere that has recently become to show widely. Perhaps, many of you have already heard about the alternative currency offered by a lot of banks. Unlike national currencies, they have quite another origin and its merging at the global market anticipates unified money – payment system one for all the countries. And as it is often the case with globalists, they do not conceal their actual...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (So as not to end up with “Cinderella” status)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about digital currency that people have been made accustomed to for decades now. As a matter of fact, even any kinds of credit cards are just the one, and a lot of people cannot imagine their life without them having forgotten when they held paper money in their hands last. Well, this is exactly the purpose of the deep state: to train people to think that cash is inconvenient, dangerous, unnecessary… And now imagine a...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Digital money)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about one more threat that lies in wait for contemporary man and about the way you can minimize it. And at issue will be gradual introduction of the so-called “digital money” everywhere. Many of you already know that it is one of the points in globalists’ programme on total enslavement of humanity. But a lot of people believe in the “conveniences” of this modern payment system that are widely advertised by the...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intolerance to others’ opinion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the talk about the mass media, I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of theirs. And it is in that the people who watch the mainstream channels from time to time, and especially the news programmes, become intolerant to other people’s opinion. If someone expresses another – non-official – point of view, these people start aggressively defending theirs, to be exact, the one that was imposed on them by multiple...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to strike a balance of the previous month when on Earth there arose one more bed of tension that has caused so much pain and sorrow to people. What conclusions can be made in respect of the way the world responds to this Near East conflict? As a matter of fact, it is this conflict that has opened all the abscesses of modern society having shown how strong hatred in people is and at the same time how easily controlled they are from...

Greetings, my beloved children! I have come to you today to talk to you about one feature of your life that many of you pay little attention to. And this is inertness of your existence. Despite the fact that you are very well informed about all the twists and turns of Transition and try to do energy practices to speed it up, your everyday life hardly changes. And it is quite easy to explain: since long ago it has already acquired a certain rhythm for you that you are used to calling routine. At...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Official” presentation of information)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the mass media and discuss their psychophysical component this time. As you know, it is “official” way of presenting information that has become the main tool of the deep state in controlling people’s conscience and now on the global scale at that. The reason why the shadow government’s marionettes began to be called globalists is that their aim is to submit people’s will and conscience not of a certain country but...

Greetings, my dear Earthlings! Today we have come to you to tell you about the way the events on Earth are taken by the members of the Intergalactic Confederation. Since we are closely watching the things that are taking place on your planet at the final stage of her Transition to the Fifth dimension, it is essential for us to see the actual picture of all the events so as to have an opportunity to interfere with them in time in case something runs not in compliance with the Creator’s...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Mass suppression media)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the mass media since it is them that are one of the chief sources of danger for people. Unfortunately, few are aware of the energies they convey and how much they reduce people’s vibrations influencing their psyche in the most negative way. Since long ago, the official media under globalists’ control have become their main weapons for submission of people’s will and putting their own plans to life. We have...

Greetings, my beloved! Today I have come to you because I would like to comfort and support you during such tough period when military conflicts on Earth result in hundreds of thousands of soldiers’ death, as well as innocent women, children and elderly people. It hurts me to see that your long-suffering Earth has again fallen victim to bloody crimes of the Dragon reptiles – these soulless and cruel creatures. Everything runs in circle in this system that has had its days and that was...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your nourishment during this challenging time when it is getting harder and harder to find really clean water and foodstuffs beneficial to your health. I think that most of those reading this message now switched over to vegetarianism long ago having excluded animal origin foodstuffs that feature low vibrations from their diet. As for the fruit and vegetables that are sold in supermarkets, it is almost impossible to track their...