Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your nourishment during this challenging time when it is getting harder and harder to find really clean water and foodstuffs beneficial to your health. I think that most of those reading this message now switched over to vegetarianism long ago having excluded animal origin foodstuffs that feature low vibrations from their diet. As for the fruit and vegetables that are sold in supermarkets, it is almost impossible to track their...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Neutralization of electromagnetic irradiation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the way you can bring to the minimum the hazard of electromagnetic irradiation that you encounter everywhere. Its sources are computers, mobile phones, household appliances, satellite communication antennas and a lot more other things – the ones that you even do not suspect. First of all, of course, you should reduce as much as possible the use of all kinds of electronic devices and get rid of the internet dependence...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Swimming freely)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will move on to the other part of the practice that will help you keep pure in terms of energy even in public places. We will call it “Swimming freely” and this is what it is about. Besides your usual protection – sphere of the Flame of Universe Love, in thoughts add one more layer above this sphere, that of the Energy of the Great Central Sun. Imagine that your protection is so powerful and dense that you...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Blessed with Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the way you can control the negative emotions in respect of your vaccinated environment and “melt” them into positive or, at least, into neutral ones, which will help you maintain energy purity while communicating with these people. So, if you have happened to detect in yourselves such emotions as fear, feeling of superiority, pity or even, maybe, aggression or annoyance – in a word,...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Purification from energy “rust” continued)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to suggest you going on with the practice “Purification from energy “rust” but this time work on your physical body. We will act on the premises that you have already done the meditation on purification of your subtle bodies from alien artificial energies and now what you have to do is to restore the natural process of interaction of each body with the physical body organs that correspond to them. Do not forget to invoke all your...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Purification from energy “rust”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to offer you a practice that will help you purify your subtle bodies from the alien energies of the artificial origin. They get into your energy space through the substances dispersed into air, as well as through foodstuffs and drinks that contain elements harmful to the human body and, of course, through vaccines. We will call this practice “Purification from energy “rust””. Why do I use just...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Neutralization of energy of chaos)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the way you can influence controlled chaos on a global scale now so as to minimize its consequences. After you have brought your own energy space to harmony and directed your thoughts and emotions the constructive way, you can get down to a more serious work. And this is what it can be like. For a start, it is necessary to untangle the “ball of wool” that controlled chaos consists of. As you have already understood...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy trap for chaotic thoughts)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you can avoid the influence of controlled chaos on you both at the energy and physical level. If you regularly purify your energy space and subtle bodies from all kinds of negative energies and alien programmes, it will be a great preventive measure against any influence on you. But so as to make yourselves even safer, you can use the following practice that is quite possible to be done on the go. We will call it “Energy...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Principle of conglomeration)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to offer you a practice that will help you bring to harmony the energy profile of your team at work or a group of like-minded people. You can also use it in your family, too since this practice is universal and is designed to level vibrations of people who for these or those reasons have to be in one energy space for a long time. It is based on the principle of conglomeration. And in this case it is to...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! It has been long ago since I talked to you and it had to do with the fact that at Earth were arriving powerful energies of rather masculine kind aimed at destruction of the third dimension matrix, the one that caused so much human pain and sorrow. And to some extent it has been successful. The world you have got used to is beginning to crumble just before eyes and it concerns almost all the spheres of your life at that. But shortly after the period of chaos...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Neutralization of energy attack consequences)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to give you a universal tip on how to oppose energy attacks wherever they come from. But for a start, you should learn to tell these attacks from tiredness or other objective causes of feeling unwell. And here are the signs you can identify them by. They always arise all of a sudden. Suddenly with no particular reason you start feeling ill at ease. You feel drained or in some parts of your body there...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Like ball against wall)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will try to work out the tangle of the modern world where people have divided into opposing groups not only in different countries but also in their immediate environment. And in this case beside the policy “divide and rule” that has already become usual and that is made by the world leaders there is made an impact by the mental duality of people themselves and each particular individual’s Soul’s age. As...