WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Interaction of conscience with the fourth dimension energies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to start a new topic that is immediately connected with the previous one since this time we will talk about your interaction with the energies of the fourth dimension at the level of your conscience. The uniqueness of the human conscience is in that it is one’s subtle material part, that is, at the same time it is one’s physical and energy component. The essence of this notion is manifested even in the word itself: “co-awareness”...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fourth dimension run-in)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize my previous messages on your sense organs’ interaction with new high vibration energies. As you see, such interaction varies from person to person in accordance with your personal subtle tuning. Some people perceive new energies more with the help of hearing, others have more developed inner vision, while still others can catch energy smells and in some cases people have all subtle sense organs involved and for them the...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy smells)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To make the talk on the fourth dimension energies’ influence on the human sense organs to be continued, today we will talk about the surprises you can be provided with by your sense of smell when you find yourselves in this high vibration space new to you. Of course, even being in the third dimension world, each of you feels smells in your own way: someone in a more acute way, while others hardly perceive them. The same way each of you has your own...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Inner vision)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about how being in the fourth dimension influences one’s eyesight. But, for a start, I would like to give definitions to different kinds of eyesight since each of them responds to the increase of your vibrations in its own way. In the third dimension world you, as a rule, use your usual physical vision that registers the objects and things around you. It can vary a little depending on your desire and momentary needs. In other words,...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Vibration indicator)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way your physical sense organs respond to the high vibrations of the fourth dimension. And we will start with organs of hearing since your ears are very sensitive to any energy changes. Those who have been working with energies for a long time are likely to have noticed that it is by means of ears that you get hints from the Forces of Light. It occurs in a variety of ways but more often the respond to an increase or decrease of...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sleep in the fourth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the influence on your body produced by the fourth dimension that some of you already find yourselves almost all the time. What other most noticeable changes happen to it? Perhaps, many of you have noticed that your sleep patter has changed. While it used to take you at least eight hours to get enough sleep, now the time you need to replenish your energy has become significantly reduced. And it is accounted for by the fact...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Help your body)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the influence produced on your physical body by the fourth dimension. Beside the fact that in this high vibration space the aging process ceases, its old habits and needs start to change. First of all, it concerns, of course, your diet. The body of the one in the fourth dimension is unable to take in food of animal origin and, therefore gradually switches over to complete vegetarianism. The same applies to alcoholic...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Physical body in the fourth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the life in the fourth dimension where some of you find themselves already, while some others are going to get there in the nearest future. And this time I will tell you about the way being in this space influences your health and physical body. Of course, more noticeable changes occur in case of the human conscience since it is conscience that is the starting point of all one’s further actions including attitude towards...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (From anger to awareness of current events being inevitable)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, today we will talk about the way you can unite the efforts of your congenial souls at all the levels of existence so as to move all together and as soon as possible to a new reality – the space of the fourth dimension. In my previous message I told you about the advantages of a versatile approach of people to the current events on Earth – about the “specialization” of each person’s interests who find themselves within the immediate circle of...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (By mutual efforts)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the creation of the fourth dimension reality by you. Many of you, being unaware of it though, have already started doing this. And, of course, it has become evident in terms of the people around you. The circle of you communication has changed since you started to pull the ones that are congenial to you in terms of spirit, as well as you yourselves unintentionally began to choose those whose vibrations and,...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the contradictions that arise in case of many of you between the promised prompt changes on Earth that the Forces of Light share with you from the subtle level and the things actually taking place at the physical level. Perhaps, many of you have noticed that these contradictions are increasing since the situation all over the world does not only fail to improve but also gets tenser and tenser with every single day. As...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (A new approach)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about a new approach to the reality you find yourselves in from the height of the fourth dimension now. It is quite possible to call the things now happening in life of many of you existence in two dimensions at the same time – the third and fourth ones. And while you can maintain your own reality at the level of the fourth dimension, to influence the people around is only possible for you in the indirect way. The best...