Ascension in Action (Tuning on other people)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss a new topic, which for many of you will be a trampoline into the new life, into the new energy space and new dimension. We will discuss your ability to tune on the wavelength of another person, feel him as a kin particle, to realize that you are the children of one Father. You may contradict me, “But we are so different, sometimes we are separated by a big chasm in our vibrational level as if we are from different planets.” It is so...
Ascension in Action (Self-healing. Continuation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our discussion about self-healing. Of course, this process is not quick, especially when we address chronic diseases. You must always remember that energy practices first affect your subtle bodies, dissolving the accumulated “blocks” of negative emotions and firm believes; and only when your subtle bodies will be completely purified, the results of your work will appear on physical plane. You need to be patient, dear ones, and...
Ascension in Action (Self-healing)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss the subject of how to help your physical body to heal from diseases, using not prescription drugs, but energy practices. But first of all, you need to understand the causes of your diseases, which are ALWAYS psychological. Now there are many tables of psychosomatic causes of human diseases, which quite correctly reflect the truth of the matter. That’s why the first step towards healing must be realization of what’s exactly you are...
Ascension in Action (The Body of Plasticine)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll speak about your connection with your body. I see that many of you don’t quite understand how you can help it to transform into the light crystalline body. This issue is quite complex and ambiguous. Each of you have started your path to Ascension in different physical and psychological states, with different life baggage. And, of course, it is impossible to make prognosis about the terms of complete transformation of your bodies – too...
Ascension in Action (Pacification)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In today’s message, I’d like to continue our conversation about your abilities to create a new reality, while being in the world of 3D. And first of all, it concerns purification of the energy spaces in the places of chaos and extremely intense passions. It is necessary, because the situations, that provoke powerful explosions of passions, cause a great trauma to your already renewed planet. Humanity pulls your planet back like heavy weights, clutching...
Ascension in Action (Dissolving the programs of 3D)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to give you uncomplicated but very efficient practice for every day. Its goal is to neutralize the programs of 3D, which literally hover in the air and fill the activities of most people. To make this practice work, you don’t even need to imagine exactly with which program you are working, because the essence of the practice is in the following: that the energies of the higher vibrations, which you send to the people, will dissolve the...
Ascension in Action (About children)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to speak with you about your relationship with children. Many of you have the most unusual youngsters growing up in your families. They are born to live in a completely different world – on the fifth dimensional Earth. They are born already completely equipped with this new knowledge, therefore their knowledge and worldview are radically different from the ones, to which you are accustomed. And now many problems arise because the...
Ascension in Action (Guardian Angels of humanity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll talk on the subject of how to behave in extreme and unexpected conditions. And it is equally pertinent to situations that happen near you and to the ones that happen on the other side of the globe. Your help to the victims of such events can be really priceless. Now, when you have learned how to be in charge of your subtle bodies, embracing the unlimited spaces with them, you are capable to cover the entire cities with all their inhabitants. We...
Ascension in Action (Nutrition at the time of transformation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to remind you of some important aspects of the Ascension, which many of you overlook. First of all, it means your nutrition. In many messages, it has been said that you need to know how to feel your organism, how to listen to its wishes and needs. It is really so, dear ones, and still you need to take into consideration that your body have developed certain habits and food preferences over many years of your life. It is some kind of...
Ascension in Action (Tuning in on your level of vibrations)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the next practice, which goal is to teach you how to listen to the guidance of the Higher Forces. Let’s call this practice “Tuning in on your level of vibrations.” It is meant to help you find the necessary “frequencies” – exactly the ones that you need. In other words, you need to learn how to find your level of vibrations so you don’t stay behind in your spiritual development or, to the contrary, force the...
Ascension in Action (Double test)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll address a completely different subject. We’ll speak about your ability to detect the packages of energy information, signals, guidance, which the Forces of Light send you for help in this very crucial period, when your consciousness, your chakras, all your bodies, shift into the new system of time and space energy parameters. A huge amount of help is coming to you, but very few people can utilize it – only those who have completely...
Ascension in Action (The seeker will overcome challenges on the path)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Before moving to the new material, I would like to sum up everything I have said in previous messages. As you understood, your subtle bodies and its corresponding chakras undergo substantial changes during your Shift to the new reality. Gradually, everything will return to its origins – to the same energy space where your first steps on Earth had started. The entire period of people’s stay in the 3D is completing, and the new cycle of their...