WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Rough” and “fine” tuning of relationships)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk with you in more detail about the mechanism of interaction between people. To make it easier for you to understand it, you can imagine man as a radio set that can easily catch both long and short waves of other people. But in this case by long waves we will mean general similar energies and by short ones – their shades now, that is, individual character peculiarities. And so as to find your kindred soul indeed, in one there...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy gamut of match)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will again talk about the energy factor of interaction between people. As a matter of fact, even having advanced to the level of vibrations one with somebody, it is not always possible to develop really harmonious relationships. And the thing is in personal energy profile of an individual. Just as one’s personality it is unique and distinctive. One’s energy profile can be tough and soft, severe and gently,...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Communes of fourth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start a new topic with you, and at issue will be the relationships of people in the world of the fourth dimension that will start to form on Earth very soon. I know that already now some enthusiasts try to arrange communes or groups of interests but even the best initiatives often end up with bad disappointment. Why does this happen? Of course, the main reason is that the vibration gap of these groups’ participants is too huge. A lot of...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To make conscious choice)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! I know that some of you are concerned with the question whether it is possible to reach the Unity of Soul and Conscience for an owner of two souls one of which is human and the other belongs to one of low vibration civilizations. As a matter of principle, it is possible but it requires much more effort than in case of a person of a pure Divine Soul. For this it is necessary for the alien soul to leave the energy space of a human once and for all. Why do many...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unity of Soul and Conscience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to sum up the series of my messages on the interaction of human Soul and Conscience. Why is it so important for them to be at one level of vibrations? First of all, because it is the necessary condition for a person to move to the worlds of higher dimensions where Soul and Conscience are One. This is one of the manifestations of Unity typical of the creatures that inhabit high vibration worlds. And the higher a dimension is, the wider the...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (General vibration level)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to tell you about the way you can advance your Soul and conscience to one level of vibrations. As a matter of fact, it is not that hard as it may seem at first sight. And, before all, you need identify your present general level of vibrations for this. But it should be impartial estimate indeed. If you try to indulge in wishful thinking, all your efforts will turn out in vain. What I mean is that you should...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One vibrations)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! After I have offered you the energy practices to protect Soul from the shocks that are excessive for it, I would like to talk about the way it can be protected by your conscience. Of course, all the processes – both energy and physical – run almost simultaneously in a person, and I separate them only because the main impulse of any thought or emotion of yours is provided by this or that energy anyway. And, consequently, the quality of your thoughts and...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Protective sphere for Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to offer you one more practice to protect your Soul from excessive shocks. And it is in putting your Soul into a protective sphere thereby guarding it from external and internal negative energy influence for a while. This practice requires great concentration of your attention that is why it should be done after you have used one of the previous ones: “Pluck up one’s Spirit” or “Triple protection” that can be done on the go so as...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Triple protection)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to offer you one more practice that will help you “pluck up your Spirit” at the moment of greatest danger or while receiving tragic news. It requires more experience which means that it can be used only by those whose conscience has already advanced to quite a high level of vibrations – at least that of the fourth dimension. We will call it “Triple protection”. And the practice is in that having found yourself in a stressful...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To pluck up one’s Spirit)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the practical part of our talk about the interaction of Soul and conscience. And for you to get a better idea of the mechanism of this interaction, I would like to remind you of some phenomenon that often occurs to people in stressful situations. At the moment of the greatest shock one experiences something that can be identified as “freezing” of one’s conscience. It resembles an analgetic injection but in this case it takes...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Point of view)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, today we will talk about the way one can protect one’s Soul from shocks during this period of your planet’s life that is not easy for her. We will act on the premises of that the one who is reading this message now knows about the transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension, which is by far the most powerful stimulus to live through any stressful situation easily. If you know and believe with all your Soul that all these hardships not only temporary...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Interaction of Soul and conscience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will study the mechanism of interaction of Soul and conscience. But for a start, I would like to draw your attention to another phenomenon that now is not only common everywhere but, possible to say, has become fashionable. And at issue will be psychotherapy that translated from Greek means “healing of soul”. Have you ever thought why they are so striving to “heal Souls” these days and whether they really heal it or, maybe, on the contrary,...