WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Physical body response to negative information)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress a little from our topic and talk about the way your physical body responds to negative information as such rather than to your own emotions. Of course, the physical body is influenced, first of all, by the emotions that you sometimes fail to cope with. And if you do not manage the flashing “spark” of negative emotions in time, it can grow into a “fire” that will start ruining your subtle bodies first and then your physical one...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Point-wise work with physical body)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! After you master the meditation “An earthly rod of the light body”, you can move on to the next stage of work with your physical body. And this time try to get focused on the organs that need heeling or correction. But this stage of work requires additional preparation now. While in the previous meditation you were working with the whole trying to bring your physical body vibrations to one frequency, now you are to deal with the weak points of your...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Earthly rod of light body)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will learn to get the physical body tuned onto the light one. It is essential that still being dense it has learnt to feel vibrations of its subtle bodies and get tuned onto each of them. While the light body is a harmonious combination of all your subtle bodies that are tuned onto the chakras corresponding to them in terms of vibrations, your physical body is so far in sleeping condition. It resembles the way many people being in the third...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (One’s life Creator)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the recovery of the Divine human code. The first step to this can become your ability to remain as long as possible, in ideal all the time, in “Merkaba” – your light body. Why is it so important? The reason, before all, is that without this all your further progress will not be able to gain “flesh”. No matter how many practices and meditations you do, if your subtle bodies are not solid or secure, all your efforts...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Divine code of man)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about your physical bodies in the space of the fourth dimension. As it has already been said in my previous message, after you master the practice “Merkaba of the fourth dimension”, the process of their transformation will go noticeably faster. And it will occur due to the fact that your physical body will find itself now constantly within your light body – under its protection and patronage. Why is “merkaba” often called...
Greetings, dear Earthlings! Today we have come to you with an important message that concerns not only Earth’s population but inhabitants of other planets of your solar system too. At present there begin sessions of the Intergalactic Court that representatives of many highly developed civilizations take part in. During these sessions there will be considered issues connected with illegal and ill-intended invasion of aggressive civilizations to different planets of your Galaxy with the purpose...