Month: June 2022


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (No social stratification)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! In my previous messages we dwelled on ten components of the communication “code” in the world of the fourth dimension. All of them concerned more your personal qualities and relationships with the people around. Yet, today we will focus on the social aspects of a new society that you are to live in the nearest future. The first and most important distinct feature of the fourth dimension society in comparison with the one of the third dimension is absence...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Relationships with older people)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will turn to the next point of our “code” of communication between people in the space of the fourth dimension. Tenth. Relationships with older people. The third dimension world is still held sway over by the false belief that elderly people, to say nothing of very old ones, are always cleverer and more experienced than the young. So, for example, such expression as “practical wisdom” concerns, as a rule, an older generation. Yet, actually,...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Relationships between adults and children)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will turn to the next point of our communication “code” between people in the space of the fourth dimension. Ninth. Relationships between adults and children. In the worlds of high dimension any relationships are based on equal rights. And children of any age are no exception. The reason, before all, is that communication between people in the fourth and especially in the Fifth dimension occurs at the level of the Soul now. And in this case it...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Recognizing spiritually close people by intuition)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will proceed to dwelling on one more criterion of human relationships in the fourth dimension world. Eighth. Recognizing spiritually close people by intuition. Perhaps, it is the most difficult one of all the points mentioned by me above since it is impossible to learn to do, it is only possible to feel it having reached a certain level of vibrations. What is intuition? It is one’s Soul’s voice. But to be able to hear it, it is necessary to...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Mutual assistance)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we will move on to the next point of the communication “code” between people of the fourth dimension. Seventh. Mutual assistance. At first glance the process of mutual assistance may seem simple and natural necessity for the people featuring high level of vibrations. But, as a matter of fact, it is a very subtle issue that requires close attention. To start with, let us remember what makes the basis of the mutual aid in the world of the third...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Mutual spiritual enrichment)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the next point of human communication “code” in the world of the fourth dimension. Sixth. Mutual spiritual enrichment. Proceeding from the fact that the world of the fourth dimension will be inhabited by the people who though have already got out of the third dimension world’s control but whose vibrations are not homogeneous yet, more advanced ones in spiritual terms will start pulling others up to their level. But again the...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Exchange of experience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message let us move on to the next criterion of the communication “code” of people in the fourth dimension world. Fifth. Exchange of experience. How will exchange of experience between people occur? Whatever the way but not according to the “Teacher-pupil” principle by all means. And the reason is as follows. In the third dimension world education is arranged the way that material presented by a teacher at school or a...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Topics for discussion)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the next criterion of the “code” of human communication  in the fourth dimension world. Fourth. Topics for discussion. Since in the space of high vibrations the third dimension world energies cannot exist any longer, the majority of usual talks will be relegated to oblivion. Everything of the negative and, consequently, destructive character will be taken over by positive emotions and actions aimed at creation. As a result, the...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Ability to listen and hear)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the components of communication “code” in the fourth dimension world. Third. Ability to listen to and, more important, hear another person. As a matter of fact, few feature such qualities in the third dimension world. More often human communication is one-sided even if a conversation is joined in by several people. Each of the participants is striving to share their opinion and most often not simply to share but impose...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Self-respect and respect to others)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to come back to the issue we started one of my previous messages with and give a more clear definition of the “code” of behaviour of the fourth dimension person. And today we will consider its main components. First. Self-respect. It is extremely important, my dear, because without self-respect there cannot rise respect to other people. As well as Love is a guarantee of Unconditional Love. It is easy to explain: so as to share...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Time nulling)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why I pay so much attention to the relationships of people in the fourth dimension though most of you are still in the space of the third dimension so far. For you to get a clear idea of it, let us remember what one’s condition at the moment of “here and now” is. This is timelessness condition and, consequently, that of being in the space of highest vibrations since it is only there where time and space implode...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sense and emotional component of communication in the fourth dimension)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of human communication in the fourth dimension. And it is in that the energy component, that is people’s similarity in terms of vibrations, is joined by the sense and emotional one too. So, people unintentionally start scanning the information field of others and get to know their interests, habit of mind and emotional peculiarities. In other words, they...

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