WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Rescue teams)

window-on-new-world-rescue-teamsGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we will talk about the second stage of support provided to humanity by your galaxy brothers.

And at issue will be speed and methods of responding in case of emergency fraught with annihilation of humanity.

As a matter of fact, this stage of work with earthlings is closely related to the previous one since as a result of observation of the situation on Earth and its analysis there are made these or those decisions.

For this purpose two groups are created.

The first one is a quick reaction group.

And the other one carries out routine work.

And now we will talk about the work of both the groups in some detail.

In what cases is the first group involved?

Before all, in cases of anthropogenic and military disasters.

So, for example, during radiation leakage at the nuclear power stations in Chernobyl and Fukushima by the quick reaction group there were taken by far the most urgent measures to minimize the consequences harmful to people.

But for this they would have been catastrophic indeed.

Of course, this case caused some victims too, yet, they were minimum.

Besides, the radiation rate at both the power stations became harmless to people very soon.

The consequences of nuclear fuel leakage have also been eliminated many times, which, of course, was not spoken about by the authorities and the mainstream media.

These urgent measures are taken as a result of the observation group carrying out continuous monitoring of the radiation background of Earth that works in immediate proximity to your planet.

And as soon as there appear faults or anomalies, this information is communicated right to the quick reaction group that, in its turn, confers these data to the representatives of the extraterrestrial civilizations who have technologies on neutralization of radiation emissions in the environment.

The scheme of interaction like this is involved every time when there arises threat to lives of millions of people and, consequently, interference of extraterrestrial forces brooks no delay.

As far as the other group of reaction is concerned, it is mostly involved for neutralization of electromagnetic emission harmful to people, as well as for aftereffects minimization of chemtrails that have been rendered a regular practice now.

Perhaps, many of you notice how fast there get “cleared” the stripes left by the airplanes that disperse the substances harmful to people into the air.

Clear and straight stripes are turning into wide and blur ones just before your eyes.

This way, thanks to the extraterrestrial technologies, there occurs splitting of the heavy metals that chemtrails contain.

Without this everyday and laborious work of the extraterrestrial spaceships the aftereffects in terms of human health would be pernicious indeed.

The work as “routine” is being carried out by your galaxy brothers at the area of CERN too so as to prevent the consequences of dangerous experiments that are carried out at this polygon of the Forces of Dark.

In this message I referred to the most visible and significant examples of the help provided to humanity by the units of the Galaxy Light Federation.

Their activity is actually much more diverse and extends to many spheres of your life.

That is why do not forget, my dear, to be grateful to your devoted voluntary assistants who are on the watch of your safety day and night.

Without them the consequences of the deep state and their henchmen’s evil deeds would be not simply dangerous but mortal for many millions of people.

Here we will stop for today.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on December 17, 2022.

Обсуждение: оставлено 2 коммент.

  1. Tchavdar Ovtcharov says:

    Gratitude from the heart
    My beloved galactic family,
    Thank you for constantly protecting and overseeing our Ascension process!
    Without your invaluable help the abyss of destruction would have swallowed us long ago.
    My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude which words can hardly express!
    I look forward to our reunion in person.
    Forever yours,

  2. Matteo says:

    Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude… it is so sweet, so warm, so lovely all this… total Wonder!!…
    I sent You all my Love and My light!

    And to the Father, the Mother, the One…. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You..
    I sent You all my Love and my Light!



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