WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Assistance in world cognition)

window-on-new-world-assistance-in-world-cognitionGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we will talk about the way to train the right reality perception in your children.

This approach to upbringing concerns both teachers and parents, before all.

You are already aware of the fact that it is only possible to do this by means of one’s own example but since, unlike you, a child has not got sufficient life experience you can share yours with them.

It will actually have a double effect: recalling stories of your life you will view them from a different point –from the height of your present conscience – and will do “correction work” with your child.

Believe me, my dear, your child will by all means appreciate EQUAL relations like these – you trusting them and the ability to show that everyone can make a mistake but the main thing is to understand one’s mistakes in good time and be able to correct them.

It is necessary, of course, to take a child’s age into consideration and tell them about the situations they can understand.

Besides, it is extremely important to consider any situation both yours and theirs from the perspective of the Laws of the Universe.

Even not mentioning the names of these Laws so as not to deter the child with “abstruse” speech, it is essential to communicate their essence – cause and effect relationships – and it is desirable to try to replay the situation the way to show the child possible variants of the developments.

There should always be highlighted the idea that the very first impulse – mental and emotional message – launches the process of the further events’ development.

So, for example, it is possible to explain the mistake to a little one that had a fight over a toy with somebody in a sandpit and tell what fun their joint play could have been if they had offered the toy to another child themselves and instead of tears they would be laughing and enjoying themselves together.

As for big children who suffer, for instance, from an unrequited love it is possible to explain that it is more likely to take place for their good because THEIR really kindred soul has not met them yet and for this to happen as soon as possible it is necessary to let go in peace and love this one and make space for the one who is destined to them.

A lot of examples can be cited as every day children face situations new to them that can be hard for them to come over all on their own.

And your task is to help them cognate the world with no excessive psychological traumas.

Be patient to explain to them that very often the things that seem to them awful and painful at this moment actually save them from a bigger trouble, while life is full of various surprises that can show only when one is open to everything new and is in high spirits.

Do your best for your children to learn the most important lesson from early childhood: everything that one emits into the world returns to them hundredfold.

And do not get tired to show them this making use of their own examples till such important Laws of the Universe as the Law of Attraction and Reflection get fixed in their subconscience.

It will be enough to make your great contribution to the development of a new society on the Earth of the Fifth dimension.

I bless you and love you immensely!

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on March 5, 2023.

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