Tag: Father – Absolute


Ascension in Action (Correcting mistakes)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to speak with you on the following subject: what is preventing many of you from mastering your subtle sensory bodies, which means connecting with your Divine aspects. First of all, it is your disbelief in yourself. It seems to you that you are not ready yet, that you have not grown enough for that, that it could be accomplished by someone else – who is more spiritual. This disbelief has become “ingrown” within you. It is extended...


Ascension in Action (Pituitary gland)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to tell you about the role played by the pituitary gland in the lives of the people. Perhaps, it is the most important of all sensory organs, because it absorbs within itself the qualities of the sixth and seventh chakras, and not only absorbs but strengthens it greatly. Your “third eye,” crown chakra and pituitary gland form some Divine triangle, which in the case of the activation of all three components becomes the most powerful...


Ascension in Action (Glance from the side)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll move to the next practice, which we will call “Glance from the side.” And that’s what it means. Try to observe any life situation not from the inside, but from the side – from being above it, meaning not tuning in emotionally. Theoretically, many of you already know and understand that, but today we’ll learn how to apply it in practice. Let’s consider that you are facing a complex conflicting situation – it may be at home,...


Ascension in Action (New way of Communication)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to sum up the results of your work with the first two practices, which I have given you in the previous messages. As you understand already, they are built according to one principle: the basis of any of your thoughts, emotions, and actions is the Divine component. It is exactly what initiates the chain of the following actions. Therefore, it is important not to loose the very first moment, when your first reaction to the people’s actions...


Ascension in Action (Practice “Unity of Three”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’ll give you one uncomplicated practice, and if you learn how to use it in your everyday life, it would help you to avoid many mistakes and troubles. Let’s call it “Unity of three.” It’s essence is in the following: every time when you are going to do or say something, you need to gather mental, causal and Divine components of your actions into one. For that imagine a certain energy “current” – how the energy of your sixth chakra...


Ascension in Action

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to start the new series of messages, which would help you to overcome the last stage on your path towards the Ascension. Let’s call these series “Ascension in Action.” And this time, dear ones, almost all my messages would consist of practical advices for every day, so you could overcome the gap between your habitual worldview of the 3D world and a new worldview of a person who has one foot in the world of 5D. My messages will be...


Light expels Darkness

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to tell you what have changed on the earth’s subtle plane in the last past months. First, The axis of Earth has shifted for several more degrees. And, as you can see, it has lead to the weather anomalies and to the next round of “shaking” of the Earth crust. But it also has a positive side. These changes has lead to an increase in the Earth vibrations, and as a result the Earth is able to sort out the inhabitants of the astral plane...


Manifestation of the fifth dimension on Earth

Greetings, my dear children! Today I want to tell you what is happening with your planet Earth and with the accompanying luminaries – the Sun and the Moon. Perhaps, many of you noticed that the Sun and the Moon have become different and not only externally. Often, they change their location, and sometimes even completely disappear from your sight. The same thing is happening with the stars. Besides, more and more often people start seeing the second Sun and the second Moon, which have...


The New Countdown

Today starts the new countdown of time, because your planet Earth until now was able to hold on the negative energies, accumulated over time, and prevent them from exploding; but now the Earth is unable to hold them inside or to allow their physical expression in small doses anymore. As it often happens, dear ones, the energies accumulated inside of you for a long time, explode later in a wild and unpredictable way. The same thing happens with your planet. The lightworkers, who worked...

Save Your Planet

Save The Planet

Message from Father – Absolute on January 3, 2017 Greetings, my dearest children! Today I am bringing you a message of extreme importance, and it is due to the fact that there will be great changes on Earth in the near future. How are they going to happen? First, because of polar shifts, some irreversible processes in the Earth’s crust will start, which will change its structure, and as a result, it might initiate the process of redistribution of the continents. As a consequence of these...


Your sister Gloria

In today’s message I’d like to tell you about the planet, which plays a very important role in your life, even though you are completely unaware of that. I am talking about the planet Gloria, which is located on the other side of the sun and therefore is unseen for you. It is a remarkable planet, which combines in itself all the best things which has been created on earth by different civilizations from the time of the very beginning. And it is populated by the most pure souls who had ever...

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