Tag: Father – Absolute


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Religion’s influence on human self-esteem)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! And in conclusion, we will speak about the way religion influences human conscience. Despite the fact that energy egregors of all main religions of the world have recently weakened to a considerable extent most people are still in the grip of religious dogmas still celebrating religious holidays and following the rituals connected with them. Reptiloids are well aware of what powerful a tool religion is in controlling human conscience so they maintain, might...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Mass media’s influence on human self-esteem)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the influence of mass media on your self-esteem. It will not be an exaggeration to call them “weapons of mass destruction”, for they are really destructive for human Souls. Newspapers, magazines, television for millions of people have turned into “trendsetters” and over the last decades they have also been joined by the Internet. Being totally at reptiloids’ disposal all the mass media impose on people the life style that...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Ego’s influence on human self-esteem)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the way human self-esteem is influenced by Ego that in the 3D world plays an important role in life of many people. Why does this happen? Before all, because Ego has turned into a survival tool in the dual world substituting Soul that didn’t stand up to “the competition” and moved to the background. Being at the subtle level it is so hard for Soul to reach out to a human being that lives in the material world. While Ego...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES («Spiritual» dreams)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue speaking about your dreams but will focus on those of them that lie not within material but spiritual scope. Unfortunately, even they have been transformed beyond recognition and sometimes you take as being yours the dreams imposed on you artificially from outside. As I have already mentioned, reptiloids have got access, and in some cases, exercise control of spiritual development of many people. They make use of their ability to...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (How to identify one’s genuine dream)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on discussing genuine dreams of human beings. To identify your genuine desires you should look at yourself from aside. And this is how you can do this. Try to estimate your place in the society and in your family. Ask yourself: “Am I satisfied with the things I have and with the way my family and people around treat me?” At this point it is essential to get the answer of your Soul not that of your human Ego’s that is insatiable...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (What is a dream?)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will pass over to a new topic and we are going to speak about your attitude to the thing that in the material world is commonly called a DREAM. This word so familiar that you seem to understand the meaning of quite well has a lot of tricks, as a matter of fact. And the point is that in the 3D world with so many conventions and values artificially imposed on people most of you don’t know and don’t understand what your genuine dreams are. You take...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Interaction of different kinds of collective conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will bring down the curtain on my message series on collective conscience of different living beings on Earth and study how they interact with each other and what influence they make on one another. To start with, I would like to remind you that collective conscience of different living beings on Earth is quite an unstable phenomenon that changes every second depending on the energy ”contribution” that a human, a reptiloid or a clone makes to...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Collective conscience of clones)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, in conclusion we will talk about the collective conscience of clones. There is certainly no collective conscience of clones as it is, for they do not possess conscience of their own but only the things designed-in by their producers. Yet, there are some specific features in their behaviour that allow to single out some certain energy unities that due to high concentration of similar kinds of energy can roughly be called group conscience of clones. And...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Collective conscience of human reptiloids)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, what is the collective conscience of half-reptiloids – half-humans? As a matter of fact, it doesn’t exist, for this phenomenon is too changeable and unstable. “Half-breds” support both human collective conscience and that of reptiloids’ at the same time. And the energies they mostly generate depend on which part – which Soul – is dominating in them. Since now, in the unique time of Earth dramatically raising its vibrations, the human Soul...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Collective conscience of pureblooded reptiloids)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the collective conscience of pureblooded reptiloids that have been human conscience’s neighbour on Earth from time immemorial. And its main features are as follows. First. It has a well-established hierarchy structure. It has already been spoken a lot in my series of messages on reptiloids that is why I am going to focus on the issues connected with their collective conscience only. Under this structure all reptiloids’ on...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (How to behave to clones not violating the Laws of the Universe)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about how you should react to someone you identified as a clone and how to behave to them. Certainly, by no means should you tell them they are clones. Firstly, they will never believe you as they are absolutely sure they are humans. Secondly, at best you will be accused of outrage on personality, at worst you will be considered insane. Neither of the options will do you or the “human”- clone any good. So, my dear ones, you should...


REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Distinct features of clones)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to finish the topic of clones, today I would like to tell you about one more their feature. Since they don’t know they are clones they are very surprised at the rejection they encounter from many humans who by intuition feel their soullessness. It is especially painful for those who used to be pure human souls and who preserve the memory of their previous life and relations with family, friends and colleagues. They are sincerely at a loss why their...

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