REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Energy instability of countries’ egregors)

reptiloids-and-clones-energy-instability-of-countries-egregorsGreetings, my dear beloved children!

So, we have studied all the kinds of energy interaction and confrontation both at the level of human beings and that of countries’ that is a combination of all their citizens’ energy.

And now I would like to put extra emphasis on the things that happen within countries’ egregors.

It is untypical of energy to be stagnant and it always in motion that is why the energy profile of people, cities and countries cannot remain the same.

And today we will speak about the factors that can essentially influence these changes – the way it becomes obvious even to the profane.

It is easy to trace the idea by the example of European countries that have changed beyond recognition over the recent decades.

It happened because in the countries that used to be so happy with their well-established customs and traditions, rich cultural and historical heritage, which resulted in their unique atmosphere they were the only ones to feature and relatively stable energy profile there suddenly poured huge crowds of immigrants with mentality and traditions alien to the local population and, which is more important, with alien energy.

And this energy confrontation within the country leads to these countries losing their faces dissolving in the energy chaos that arose.

This alien “invasion” began to ruin people’s souls making them either disoriented and frightened or aggressive and irreconcilable.

Consequently, these countries’ egregors started changing drastically filling with negative energies of all kinds.

Yet, other examples are recorded when crowds of immigrants enriched in terms of energy the countries they arrived at.

Thus, forced out of their motherland by the bloody revolution many Russian immigrants, people of high cultural and spiritual standards, contributed their purifying energies not only to European but many other countries as well.

The things that are going on in the world nowadays resemble a hidden energy war with many countries taking it lying down in the face of the invisible opponent.

And certainly there are reasons for the aggressors to turn up. They are well-calculated reptiloids’ campaigns designed to weaken in terms of energy many pure human souls that are dangerous for them indeed.

Initiating in people energies of fear, aggression, rejection and censure reptiloids entrap human souls within low vibration frequencies scope where they can easily control them and prevent from gaining freedom and seeing the current affairs in the raw.

As I have already mentioned in one of my messages for this purpose there are produced whole armies of clones who follow their masters’ instructions blindly introducing chaos and destruction to European countries that are dangerous for reptiloids.

Now people start realizing the absurdity of the situation and criminal activities of their heads leading them to collapse.

These countries’ political circles witness gradual arrival of revived conscience people independent from the hidden government and they are the ones to become “the locomotive” to pull Europe out of crisis – financial, spiritual and moral one.

Here we will stop for today.

Loving you endlessly Father-Absolute spoke to you.

Channeled by Marta on April 27, 2019

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