LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Individual purification zone)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your personal “purification zone” since it is this what is the most important for each person striving for moving to the Fifth dimension with Earth. Well, as it has already been mentioned in my recent message, the stumbling stone for many of you on the way to it is your habit to undeliberately compare yourselves with other people. It is sometimes hard for you to accept that one does not understand things so apparent. As a matter...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Purification zone)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the so-called “purification zone”. Entering a new reality cannot occur like a flash since such a sharp surge of vibrations cannot be withstood even by the conscience of a person most prepared for Transition. First, it is necessary to consolidate in practice all your theoretical knowledge and spiritual results. This is what the purification zone is designed for. Purification in this case is considered on a global...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (New reality manifestation)
Greeting, my dear beloved children! Today we start a new topic that can roughly be called “New reality manifestation”. Although we have already talked a lot about the principles of a new society arrangement, now, when you are at the very threshold of Transition from the chaos holding sway over Earth to the purification zone, it is time to give in detail all the processes occurring in the world and lead your conscience the constructive way. But first, let us discuss what I mean by the...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (In quiet of one’s heart)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And the last thing I would like to say in respect of your attitude to the people around and to the current events in general. I see that impatience that many of you are seized with throws you back and sometimes reduces to nothing all your spiritual progress. You are so eager for the wide disclosure of the ruling top’s crimes to start as soon as possible that you are living by this idea only spending too much time on searching for the information...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress a little from our topic and will talk about the current developments at the physical level. The cornered representatives of the world government, their field employees, to be exact, are now desperately trying to bring till final victory the human enslavement plan they have been carefully contrived for years. In some countries their attempts have really been a success. And now we will try to find out why it has happened and, on the...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Theatre of absurd)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we have come close to the issue of vital importance to you: how you can maintain energy balance and preserve harmony in your soul when everything happening around is reaching the point of absurdity now. Shortly before, it seemed to many of you that the worst things are over but with every single day the situation gets from bad to worse and people are literally prevented from breathing or being the masters of their own destiny. We have already talked a...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Ways of God are inscrutable)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about your attitude to everything taking place on Earth now including your environment. As you see, my dear, despite all your efforts and good intentions many of your friends, acquaintances and even your nearest and dearest do not hear you and act their own way, which means a lot of suffering and distress for you. Here and there you hear that people accept vaccines being guided each by their own opinions. Some people do this for...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Your attitude towards current events)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to a new topic and it will concern your attitude to the things happening on Earth now. Since the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension is not a single-stage process, you should possess your soul in patience so as not to retard it with your emotions of discontent. Now everything is at the last – final – stage and you only have to slightly “push” the last carriage of the “train” taking away those incapable to make...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Inner state of man influence on reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will summarize my series of messages on the inner state of man. Why have I paid so much attention to it? Unfortunately, most people are unaware of how their inner state correlates with surrounding reality which also includes their relationships with different people. They live not thinking about the extent their own unbalanced disharmonious condition influences their close people, friends and colleagues… Thus, one person obsessed by negative...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Conscience and inner state of man)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about the correlation of human conscience and the inner state of man – in what they differ and what features of theirs are alike. The difference is that conscience is a subtle material substance that embraces one’s worldview and determines one’s spiritual potential, while inner state is one’s world perception in all its manifestations including the physical one. In other words, inner state is a combination of three...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Psychic aspect of inner state of man)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we have considered two components of the inner state of man: energy and physical ones. So, now, let us see how they influence human psychic state. If we treat human psyche as a totality of their energy and physical state, it is then totally dependent on their harmonious correlation with each other. There becomes apparent the following sequence. Negative thoughts and emotions interfere with the work of subtle sense organs of a person – their chakras,...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Influence of disease on inner state of man)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will study how physical indisposition affects human spiritual development and, consequently, their energy component. Perhaps, many of you have already witnessed your own examples and examples of other people how one’s worldview changes when illness retards one’s pace of life tearing one out away from the usual routine. Of course, a lot here depends on the spiritual potential of a person and their Soul’s age. Thus, an individual who is...