WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Readiness of people for physical contacts)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we are drawing a conclusion to the series of my messages on the support provided to earthlings by human-friendly extraterrestrial civilizations. We have considered three stages of such support. And now I would like to explain to you how much this support depends on earthlings themselves. As a matter of fact, it is you – some intentionally, others unintentionally – who determine the degree and quality of this support. And now we will look closely...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Cooperation at the physical level)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider the third stage of extraterrestrial civilizations’ interaction with earthlings. It implies direct collaboration at the physical level now. And though it is a matter of the future, I would like to show you the key landmarks and methods of your interaction. In what way will it be different from the things that used to be before when human-friendly civilizations were trying to help you introduce new technologies? In fact, all these...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today, on December 21st 2022, I would like to summarize the decade that passed on your planet. Ten years ago exactly many of you were expecting crucial changes on Earth: some were expecting the end of the world, others, on the contrary, – her Ascension. And at the subtle level such changes actually took place, besides, the way that, in fact, lived up to the expectations of both the former and the latter. And the reason is as follows. As soon as Earth...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Rescue teams)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the second stage of support provided to humanity by your galaxy brothers. And at issue will be speed and methods of responding in case of emergency fraught with annihilation of humanity. As a matter of fact, this stage of work with earthlings is closely related to the previous one since as a result of observation of the situation on Earth and its analysis there are made these or those decisions. For this purpose two groups are...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Observation and analysis of situation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And now we will talk about each of the stages enumerated in my previous message in more detail. Well, the first stage implies observation of the events taking place on Earth and analysis of situation. How is this observation implemented? Perhaps, this process can be called multidimensional since there is thoroughly monitored everything that occurs both beyond Earth and on Earth herself. Each sector to be watched has its “supervisors” with specific...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Programme of Transition support to earthlings)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations interact with each other, the ones that take part in the Ascension of Earth. For this support to be sensible and efficient the Galaxy Light Federation has developed a special programme of Transition support to earthlings and there were involved the civilizations that most closely connected with your planet. This programme includes three stages. The first stage is...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Business trip to Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider the other category of extraterrestrial souls – those who have come to Earth with a certain mission and who are always in touch with their civilization. Such representatives are a mere handful on Earth and, as a rule, they did not incarnate on Earth through birth but appeared here “unexpectedly” being mature already. Not only they know who they are and why they have come here but also do specific work they were assigned with by...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Johnny head-in-air)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the souls that have come to Earth from highly developed civilizations to help humanity with Transition. There are two categories of such souls. The first one includes those who before their incarnation on Earth chose the most difficult and even risky way – to be born here as a common person with the memory about their true origin being “blocked”. These courageous souls have made up their mind to descend to the world of the...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about your Galaxy family and its interaction with earthlings. As a matter of fact, the crucial current processes on Earth are watched not only by those whose genes “live” in people but also by other galaxies’ representatives. It is accounted for by the uniqueness of the experiment carried out at the planet of Earth and her inhabitants since never before in the Universe there has been made transition from one dimension into...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Galactic paradise)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we start a new topic that goes beyond the scope of the events on your planet. It is time to tell you in more detail about what goes on now at the subtle level of the Galaxy in general and how these events correlate to the transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension. You have already heard a lot of times that your galaxy brothers and sisters offer you invaluable help. The representatives of some highly developed civilizations channeled messages to...

Greetings, dear earthlings! Today we have come to you to share our vision of the situation on Earth. The energy processes now in progress on your planet have at last reached the level that can be identified as the point of no return to the old world-order. And it is connected with the fact that the sensible – mindful – part of your planet’s population has managed to accumulate the amount of positive – constructive – energy that will now enable not only to maintain the results of the...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be special since it will say about the current events on Earth. I think many of you have noticed how fast the masks are falling off from the marionettes of the deep state. Sometimes it seems to you that they have lost the sense of reality – so absurd the decisions they make are. But the thing is that they are not humans anymore but their avatars that have been skillfully reproduced by means of the cutting-edge technologies. And...