WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (By trial and error method)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the way the third dimension matrix retards human spiritual development. As you already know, one is born on Earth over and over again so as to “fill in the interstice” of one’s conscience or, in other words, gain the experience one’s Soul lacks on the way of its evolution. But it is the third dimension matrix one gets into again and again that prevents one from making this ascent in one...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Phenomenon of general submission)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about the way there occurs interaction of the third dimension matrix with the human conscience. Since the third dimension matrix has been created for centuries, the process of its interaction with people was also adjusted as the code of laws was being widened or transformed, the one that makes the basis of the matrix. For these processes to run simultaneously, each stage of society life consolidated the previous one by...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Illusive ideals)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about one more component of the third dimension matrix that keeps many in captivity. And at issue will be one of the most common stereotypes of the personal character this time: how to meet the standard of a successful person. This is what has become the stumbling stone on the way to Ascension for a lot of people. Of course, the image of “success” ranges from person to person: some people need millions for this, while some...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Out of obedience matrix)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message I would like to offer you a meditation on deliverance from the stereotypes of recent years of both your conscience and that of the collective human conscience in general. The main aim of the meditation is dissolving of the “spider’s web” of lie that the Dragon reptiles and their representatives at the helm created around naive human souls. Quite often in their criminal interests they apply against people...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Web of lie and hypocrisy)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of the third dimension matrix’s influence on human conscience. It can be compared with a spider’s web that almost everyone gets into from the moment they are born. And the majority of people spend all their life in this “sticky” third dimension space that prevents them from breaking out of it and feeling genuine freedom – internal and external. But even those who have managed it risk...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (My Divine body is out of time’s control)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the influence of the third dimension matrix on your physical condition and focus on one more pattern that has been persistently embedded into your conscience for centuries. And it has to do with aging of man and age-related restrictions. It is a durable programme of the third dimension world rather than a pattern – the very indisputable “ultimate truth” that almost no one tries to deny. What is the purpose this...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Written all over one’s face)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way the third dimension matrix influences your physical bodies since it is closely connected with the third dimension stereotypes again. You know that any disease originates from one’s inharmonious thoughts and emotions – the so-called psychosomatics. But, as a matter of fact, even one’s appearance – face and posture – mostly depends on the degree one is susceptible to the influence of commonplace stereotypes and...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (We are creators of our reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And there is one more general pattern that I would like to tell you about today. This is a common belief that little depends on you. And in this case I mean not personal but global events both in your countries and on the planet in general. Perhaps, many of you have heard from your family, friends and acquaintances the utterances like “Well, it cannot be helped, anyway”, “Nothing depends on us” in reply to your stories about globalists’...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Ultimate “truths”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! One more general pattern of the third dimension matrix is dependence of people on “expert” opinions of politicians, economists, scientists, historians, writers, religious figures – in a word, famous people who enjoy respect of society. And few think about the fact that this “opinion” is often created artificially by those who benefit from this, with quite definite purposes at that. So, the representatives of the deep state have reached...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Destruction of third dimension matrix)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message now we will talk about the ways you can get rid of the voluntarily “slavery” that you have undeliberately found yourselves since the very birth. And in this case you are assigned with a task that is, no doubt, much more difficult because at issue is not transformation of your own conscience, which totally depends on you, but the change of society in general. The things that have been created for centuries not only at...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Legalized slavery)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about what the third dimension matrix patterns are. One more general stereotype of the third dimension world is a firm people’s belief that they must blindly follow all the instructions of the government and state bureaucratic apparatus. To persuade people that such submission is inescapable and is not subject to discussion, it is recorded in state legislative acts. As a result of this, life and destiny of each person is...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the things you should do to destroy the third dimension “matrix” of your conscience. After you protect yourself from the seat of influence on your conscience produced by the mainstream media, you can move on to the next point. Second. Deliverance of conscience from general mental and emotional patterns of your mentality and behaviour. What general patterns are? Among them there can rank everything that concerns...