THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Medium sublevel of upper astral)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will pass over to the next sublevel of the upper astral level – the “medium” one. As you have already understood from my previous messages there are no clearly established borders between all the sublevels and levels because astral beings, just like people, pass through different development stages and constantly move from one level to another. Still, the upper astral medium sublevel can be identified as that of quite highly developed...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Spirituality for sale)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the relationships between humans and the upper astral beings. At present these astral beings’ “donors” are the people concerned in any kinds of esoteric knowledge as well as the issue of the Ascension that is much spoken about at all the levels of existence. Let’s have a look at one more example of how good intentions of the humans and the upper astral beings eager to participate in the Ascension of Earth...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Spirituality obsession)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on discussing how to distinguish between the true messages by the Higher Powers from the false ones, those dictated by all sorts of the astral beings. Perhaps, many of you have come across long eloquent messages you don’t remember the beginning of having read them up till the end. As long as they say about the topic so dear to you reading them seems to be good and helpful for you and they appear to help you still more to keep your finger...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Spiritual values make-shift)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on talking about how it comes that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, which I started explaining in my previous message. First, I will explain the reasons and the ways it happens from the energy level point of view. You already know that a lot of energy of the same kind gradually creates some mini-egregor that gets energy supply from all the people involved. In the case of the website that publishes the Higher Powers messages on...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Destructive power of flattery)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about your contacts with astral beings and focus on another aspect of it – to show you the wide range of people they can affect even indirectly. Let’s take the following obvious example to make it easy to understand. A good pure person, an ancient Soul who came to Earth with a certain mission – to help people at the turning point of their planet’s Transmission to the Fifth dimension, the Higher Powers of the...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Who is your “interlocutor”?)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on considering the lower sublevel of the upper astral level. I would like you to be fully aware of who talks to you and what for. So as to check who has come to talk to you, the Higher Powers or the astral beings, while in peace and harmony, you should tune your Divine “camertone” – your chakra “scale” – and check what chakra your interlocutor vibrates at. As you already know, the astral beings vibrate from the fifth chakra and...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Lower sublevel of upper astral)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Having told you about the upper astral world structure I would like to focus on each its subdivision separately. And we will start from the lower sublevel, the one inhabited by the beings who have just arrived here from the medium astral world level. This subdivision is rather densely populated and its inhabitants are quite active as their curiosity and desire for new knowledge “pushed them out” here. The astral beings of this sublevel...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Upper astral structure)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let’s go on talking about the upper astral level. So as to contribute to your understanding of how diversified it is I will focus on its structure today. As well as the lower astral has an egregor of its own so does the upper one which can generally be called “the Egregor of Light” and there are quite a lot of narrow-scope mini-egregors. It can also be compared with some spiritual university with lots of colleges for disembodied souls to study...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (The upper astral)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will pass over to a new topic that concerns mostly those who have managed to escape from the 3D world trap and turned their eyes towards Light. So, we are going to talk about the upper level of the astral world that is really rich and diversified. This level is of a complex structure with numerous subdivisions. Its diversity results from the fact that the astral beings inhabiting it are outstanding individualities by nature. They are the ones who...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Custom is second nature)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to finish our talk on the medium astral level and to summarize everything that has been said about it in my previous messages. It should always be kept in mind that these beings are your own extension. The expression “Custom is second nature” is just about them. These beings inhabit your energy space and power your habits that seem innocuous at first sight: to complain of life, discuss and judge people, get nervous and annoyed at...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Preserve your uniqueness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to give you one more example of how with the help of your harmless at first sight thoughts, emotions and actions you breed the medium level astral beings. While in my previous message we had a look at a family where one member dedicates all one’s life to the others making oneself depersonalized today we will study another case where the family members put someone on a pedestal sacrificing their lives for the sake of one’s needs and...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Energy of depersonalization)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to remind you about one more truth many of you often forget. I mean your wrong attitude towards yourselves. It is the very thing that often attracts the medium level astral beings. It has been spoken about in many messages but for many of you it still remains somewhat abstract background thing. Someone tries to save the whole world not thinking about oneself. Others, on the contrary, pay too much attention to themselves taking the...