LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Plan of individual development)

life-on-new-earth-plan-of-individual-developmentGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages targeted at those who is just “plunging” into the issue of Ascension and start to get rid of the duality chains.

The aim of these messages was to provide you with a guiding star that will allow the people who embarked on the course of spiritual development not to get lost in the “labyrinth” of esoteric knowledge but start with the main thing from the very beginning – the one that will help you in the shortest possible time get rid of the third dimension world programmes instilled into your conscience and learn to live in consistence with other – Divine – laws this time.

If you take your spiritual self-development seriously and get aware of the inevitability of the upcoming changes on your planet to a full extent, the implementation of this Plan will allow you in the shortest possible time to rearrange your conscience the new way.

And now I would like to give you some more tips so that you will not stumble on the way.

On the basis of the Plan offered by me make your own Plan that will reflect your individual peculiarities and present-day opportunities, as well as purposes and goals of your Soul.

The main thing is for your Plan to be realistic.

For this you should impartially estimate your resources taking into consideration your present physical and psychic condition, as well as social and financial ones.

Moreover, you should take into account the interests of your family – your nearest and dearest.

You do not have to turn into some kind of a “Don Quixote” at all who charges the windmills of the modern society, which can simply result in disappointment and lack of self-confidence.

Each step of yours should be carefully considered and from the practical point of view too since you still live in the third dimension world you should to some an extent correspond to its laws.

And there is a fine distinction here.

This correspondence should feature some boundaries and crossing them you can well find yourself at the other side of the barricades where you have taken pains to find your way out.

In other words, you can play according to the third dimension world rules until basic spiritual values of man are not tempted, that is, until you are suggested to come to terms with your conscience.

You should learn to clearly recognize the moment when you must say “Stop” to yourself.

So now in your life there can emerge a lot of such situations since, as I have already mentioned a lot of times, at the joint of two epochs people have their last and most important exam in spiritual maturity at an accelerated pace.

As soon as there is not much time left before Transition, such “durability tests” will not only become more frequent but also acquire intensified character.

You should be alert all the time so as not to stumble and prevent the low vibration creatures embodied as humans from decreasing your vibrations.

As for the latter, under the influence of the new energies showering Earth nowadays they are hanging on for life as ever being aware of the fact that they can survive only in their native negative energies.

It is these energies that they try to initiate in their environment.

Therefore, always remember about the three variants of communication with people (and more often with inhumans) of low vibrations.

Learn to establish harmonious relationships with any living being you come across on your way and do not forget about energy shield that is so far the main guarantee of your safety.

And the last tip.

Do not be afraid to show independence and creativity in anything.

Invent your own practices and meditations based on your peculiarities of reality perception.

Combine energy work with practical actions where it is appropriate.

Become Creators of your reality just now, and the boundaries separating the worlds of the third and Fifth dimensions will swiftly be obliterated.

By this you will help yourself and many others to make closer the long-awaited victory of the Light Forces over the Dark ones.

And I bless you for this!

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on June 2, 2021.

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