LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Social justice)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the structure of the new world on the Earth of the Fifth dimension and today we will touch upon one more peculiarity of its. This time what will be at issue is such a basic notion of social life as social justice. As you know, it is this thing that is the main reason for population’s discontent that leads to social outbreaks in many countries of the world. What does the expression “social justice” mean in a higher –...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to ask you for something. And it is connected with the fact that there is coming the culmination of the struggle between the Light Forces and the Dark Forces at the physical level this time. I know that all of you have been waiting for this moment to come and it seems to you that you are quite ready to accept Disclosure calmly and gladly. Yet, I would like to remind you one more time that it is you who are to become stalkers to a new world...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Mirror world)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the next step you should make while building your new House on the Earth of the Fifth dimension. Well, we have already put two “blocks” in its foundation: the Law of Unity and the Law of the Free Will. The third one will be the Law of Reflection that says: “External reflects internal” or “Like attracts like”. And this law, just same as the two previous ones, conveys the Energy of Unconditional Love. How can you visualize...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Freedom of creating your reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on “erecting the building” of the new world of the Fifth dimension. And the next “block” to be put in its foundation will be the Law of the Free Will. How can you visualize it? Everyone will do it in their own way but again the prevailing energy should become the Energy of Unconditional Love that excludes force, violence, control, personality humiliation typical of the third dimension world. You can imagine people indulging in their...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Human Souls’ Unity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about how you can help to arrange a new society on the Earth of the Fifth dimension. We have already talked a lot about the energy component of this process and you were offered a lot of practices on filling yourself, your planet and the collective human conscience with high vibration energies. So now it is time to move on to the next stage of the process that is in visualization of the new reality. While in my previous message we...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Pure intention)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to remind you once again what and how you can do to speed up the realization of your dream about Earth’s Transition to the world of the Fifth dimension. Though we have already talked a lot about this, for some of you regular systematic work on the prompt victory of the Forces of Light on Earth still remains a desire rather than a real action. Why does it happen? Of course, first of all, it is because you get head over heels in your...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Extraterrestrial technologies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the talk about technological progress, its selectivity for the world elite and common people to be exact, I would like to touch upon one more aspect of its. And this time what will be at issue are extraterrestrial technologies. It is perhaps the thing most carefully hidden from people and it is only in recent years that information about earthlings’ contacts with other extraterrestrial civilizations has started to filter. Why has all...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Who enjoys living on Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider one more aspect of technological progress. As it has already been said in my previous message, Earth’s population is allowed to get only the crumbs of it which is beneficial for the deep state’s representatives. All the rest remains at the disposal of higher authorities or, in other words, the world elite. It concerns frontier technologies in all spheres of life. As a matter of fact, your planet is divided into some conditional...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Programme on population robotization)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about how modern technologies influence humanity. As it has already been mentioned in my previous message, all the innovations are introduced into your society deliberately in consistence with a certain programme by the deep government that rules the world. As a matter of fact, it has technologies as advanced as to enable it to transform all your economy and create appropriate living conditions for people at the same time keeping...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Off-line communication)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more aspect of the existing world order that obstructs one’s way to a new happy life. And what will be at issue is recoding of human conscience by creating the situations when interpersonal contacts and warm human relationships are replaced by communication in different social media. It shows especially vividly now when people are locked down in their homes under the pretext of the so-called “pandemic”. Thus, people turned...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Leaving comfort zone)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, now I would like to talk about what else prevents people from ultimate revival and seeing everything that takes place in the raw. It is mental laziness of the overwhelming majority of the planet’s population and their unwillingness to leave comfort zone. Besides, what is at issue is not some exceptional comfort but rather well-arranged lifestyle that one does not want to change, with everything running its usual...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (From material to spiritual)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about external factors that obstruct Earth’s way to Ascension and how you can influence them. The biggest obstacle is that all the mass media are still under the control of the shadow government’s protégés. This is the reason why human conscience is changing so slowly. You, certainly, cannot forbid your nearest and dearest, friends and acquaintances who got used to getting information from the news programmes to watch TV. But you...