Category: Channeling


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Control over water resources)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to call you for the realization of everything that was said by me in previous messages from the perspective of humanity survival. As you see, my dear, you are being attacked on at all the fronts. And one more item in globalists’ programme is total control over the water resources of the planet. They are doing their best not only for foodstuffs but even water to perniciously influence human health gradually poisoning human body and...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Brand of slave)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the latent threats that your present-day reality is fraught with. Another trick of the deep state’s representatives aimed at leading human conscience the direction they need is a statement that for general security one bank is necessary for all the data compiled on everybody’s health and especially on the vaccines taken. In other words, at issue are compulsory vaccination passports for all the inhabitants of the...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Genetic tools for killing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about one more crime by globalists against humanity. And at issue will be how the deep state is trying to ruin the flora and fauna of your planet. Perhaps, many of you have already heard about globalists’ henchmen buying up millions of hectors of fertile lands all over the world. What is it done for? The reason is, first of all, to grow on this soil gene modified products consuming of which by humans leads to irreversible...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Climate “change”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the reasons why the deep state promotes so persistently the issues of “climate change” by their marionettes at the helm. As you already know, it is an absolutely farfetched and non-existent problem and beside other purposes it was also made up to ascribe the fact that globalists learnt to control weather long ago to climate change. And the evidence of this is a lot of strange “natural” phenomena that have been...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Right for healthy nourishment)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about what happens in food and pharmaceutical industries now. Perhaps, a lot of you have noticed the following regularity: what is presented to you as something new and progressive by the media is, as a matter of fact, has been at the stage of introducing into your life since long ago. Why does it happen exactly in such succession? The reason is, before all, to “secure people’s consent” whose opinion is actually of...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Miraculous” additives)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! In my previous messages we talked about digitizing and artificial intelligence that are intruding into your life more and more. And while it is still possible to trace and minimize their influence on you this or that way, the things are quite different with foodstuffs and primary commodities that you have to buy in supermarkets so far. Everybody has heard enough about the harm of gene modified food and pesticides that a lot of agriculture products are...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the current situation on Earth. Perhaps, a lot of you have noticed that it is assuming more and more absurd character and more apparent at that. The deep state’s marionettes do not manage any more to conceal the genuine idea of their plans behind nice and right words, the plans that bring destruction to all the spheres of human life. Little by little humans are being deprived of all innate rights of theirs: right for...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Artificial intelligence in modern medicine)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider one more threat concealed from human eyes and will talk about the so-called “cutting-edge” medical technologies. We have already talked a lot about the fact that modern medicine is based on the principles initially false since it takes into account not all the subtle material structure of humans but only their physical body. In other words, psychosomatic causes of a disease are not considered at all and only its consequences are...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Invisible threat)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the talk about artificial intelligence, I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of its. As a matter of fact, it is omnipresent and, which is the most hazardous – unpredictable. Unlike usual computer programmes developed by humans, the programme of artificial intelligence can get out of control of its creators. And the reason is as follows. Being developed by one of the technocratic civilizations of the Greys it reflects their...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Neutralization of electronic devices influence on human conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to offer you a practice on purification of your own energy space now from the influence of artificial intelligence. In agreement with the fact that such influence is produced on you not directly but through electronic devices in your house, at work and especially by means of your mobile phones that are always by your side, you should not only reduce to a minimum their use but also break your ties with...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Liberation of Earth from artificial intelligence chains)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! To round up with our talk on artificial intelligence I would like to offer you energy practices that will help you neutralize its influence on your conscience. They are based on the same principle featured by the practices on the third dimension programmes dissolving but meanwhile there is a slight difference in them. So, while the third dimension programmes are certain patterns that you “burn down” with the Flame of Universe Love during your...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Artificial intelligence influence on humans)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about artificial intelligence and will consider the energy processes that occur during its interaction with humans. Since artificial intelligence itself does not have any energy of its own, it gets saturated with the energy of its inventors. To some extent it can be compared with material objects that convey the energies of the people they were created by. Yet, being a programme, artificial intelligence is something more...

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