Hello, my dear! Today I would like to talk to you about the things, as I know, worry a lot of you. And at issue will be your impatience that is sometimes so hard for you to cope with. Numerous messages of Father-Absolute and other Light Forces of the Universe said a lot of times that impatience can just delay the desirable event since it conveys the energy of too low vibrations. Beside this I would also like to remind you about the fact that impatience is distrust to our Creator and the...
Greetings, my beloved ones! I feel like talking to you at this moment of confrontation between the Forces of Light and Dark crucial to you and whole Earth. Now there is being decided the destiny of the purest and lightest souls that have been persistently advancing to Ascension for a long time. I see and feel, my dear, how tired you are and that your patience is giving way now. A lot of you have already lost their heart watching the Forces of Dark going on with the implementation of their...