WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Purification of subconscience with Universe Energy of Unconditional Love)

window-on-new-world-purification-of-subconscience-with-universe-energy-of-unconditional-loveGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today I would like to combine two previous topics and talk about the way your subconscience can be influenced by the energy of Unconditional Love.

As you already know, it is this energy that makes the basis of the life in higher dimension worlds.

Absolutely everything is impregnated with it there: human chakras and subtle bodies and, of course, human conscience.

But already now you can integrate it into your subconscience so as to advance it to a new level having liberated it from the old behaviour and emotion patterns typical of the third dimension world man.

This work is quite laborious but very efficient.

And for a start, you should learn to invoke the energy of Unconditional Love and keep it as long as possible in your energy space.

So as to feel it better, you can get your Crystal of Love involved into the process.

Make it activated to a full extent and then invoke the Universe Energy of Unconditional Love.

Ask it to get united with your Crystal of Love and through it fill all your energy space with itself.

And only after you feel that all your chakras and subtle bodies have responded to this Divine energy, ask it to completely cleanse your subconscience of all the negative low vibration programmes.

Why do I advise you to do this just in this order?

The thing is that each emotion or third dimension world programme are directly connected with these or those human chakras and subtle bodies where they first originate and being repeated a lot of times get fixed at the level of subconscience.

That is why, filling, first, all your subtle bodies with the energy of Unconditional Love you dissolve – neutralize – the source of unwelcomed emotions and thoughtforms.

In other words, you deprive them of the access to your subconscience – cut down the thread that ties them.

And in this case, hopefully, having once purified your subconscience with the energy of Unconditional Love, you will not replenish it with former negative energies any more.

You see, this involves multistage work too since human subtle material structure is complex and multifaceted indeed.

This is the reason why I always ask you not to hurry but to take your time and work calmly and thoughtfully.

But the main thing is to enjoy this turning any practice or meditation into endless creativity contributing your own unique touch and nuances and, generally speaking, feeling you are the Creator of your life – powerful and strong.

And I bless you for this!

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on August 23, 2022.

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