WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (External factors of influence on physical body)

window-on-new-world-external-factors-of-influence-on-physical-bodyGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today I would like to go on talking about the distinct features of the human body of the fourth and Fifth dimensions.

So now you know that the key factor of your physical condition is your conscience.

It is conscience that sends information energy impulses to your physical body that obediently executes these “commands”.

This mode of conscience and physical body interaction is applied to inhabitants of both low and high dimensions.

But this factor is not the only one that makes impact on your physical body and that can roughly be called an inner “agent of influence”.

There are also external factors that do not depend on you but whose influence you can escape though.

At issue mostly is the quality of air, water, foodstuffs, your residence and your environment.

Of course, there is a huge difference between the quality of life of people living in megalopolises and in the country.

Yet, it is always up to you to choose.

Everyone sets their own priorities, which in the long run determines the vibration background of their existence.

Some people like to be in the “melting pot” of a large amount of people and they settle in megalopolises with all their “amenities”.

While others love natural sounds and quiet enjoying being alone and settle far away from big cities.

By intuition they are drawn to everything eternal and natural avoiding the “fruits” of civilization that pull one into the whirlpool of low energies and artificial values.

And, surely, the choice of life style and residence produces enormous impact on your physical condition too.

But the one who has reached the fourth dimension in terms of vibrations will not be able now to exist in the “rammed down” chaotic energies of large cities where one even lacks one’s own inviolable personal space.

This is the reason, my dear, why I have been calling you since so long ago and in such a persistent way to leave big cities that devour human souls preventing them from breaking free from the metes and bounds of the third dimension world.

No matter how hard you are trying to advance in your spiritual development, whatever practices you make use of, the low energy profile of big cities reduces to nothing all your efforts because so far few manage to withstand the pressure of external factors of influence on your psyche and physical bodies.

Here we will stop for today.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on July 21, 2022.

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