WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Desire for spiritual ideal)

window-on-new-world-desire-for-spiritual-idealGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today I would like to tell you about what a person who always remains sincere to themselves and the people around should be.

This is the ideal that should be sought and that is extremely rare to come across in the third dimension world.

The thing is that the third dimension world itself originally implies duality of every thought, emotion and deed of a person.

During all your incarnations in the third dimension world you have imbibed duality with your mother’s milk.

As a result, it has got firmly settled in your subconscience and become not only integral part of your being but also the main stimulus for progress – success and prosperity.

Therefore, so as to rearrange one’s conscience a new – unipolar – way, one has to make enormous efforts literally breaking the mentality and behaviour stereotypes one has got so used to.

I understand, my dear, how challenging the task you are to fulfill is: to seek spiritual ideal in the environment alien to you is not within everyone’s depth.

But, fortunately, spiritual work is invisible if you, of course, do not display it for people to see trying to seem better than you actually are, which renders its value considerably depleted.

The person whose conscience has already reached the level of the fourth dimension does not differ much from the rest in appearance except their calmness and serenity.

All their words and actions feature balance and reason.

They are not characterized by emotional surges or thoughtless impulses.

But the main thing – they can now be honest to themselves and, consequently, can easily trace the cause-effect relationships in terms of each their motive of action.

Therefore, they always remain themselves in each action of theirs being guided by intuition that prompts them the decision best both for them themselves and others.

Remember, we have talked a lot of times with you that any EXCESSIVE manifestation of anything always conveys low vibrations since it is not balanced and, consequently, not harmonious.

And, first of all, it concerns the inner condition of a person that gets inevitably expressed outwards later.

Now you have got everything you need to restrain your uncontrolled thoughts and emotions having directed them the harmonious way.

For this purpose invoke Divine energies as often as possible – the ones that correspond to your present-day level of vibrations.

The most versatile of them is the Energy of the Supreme Creator of the Universe.

It makes an invisible bridge between the third and fourth dimensions and facilitates your conscience smooth transition to a higher level of development.

Here we will stop for today.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on September 12, 2023.

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