WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Constructive words and destructive words)

window-on-new-world-constructive-words-and-destructive-wordsGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we will go on talking about the words and expressions that either increase or, on the contrary, decrease your vibrations.

If you follow your speech closely, you are likely to notice there are not only “parasite” words but also expressions that took root there that throw back the realization of your desires.

Remember at least such a widely spread phrase of yours as: “I’m afraid I can’t cope with it”.

Pronouncing this a lot of people block the results of their work even having not started doing anything.

Why does it happen?

Before all, the reason is that this phrase is impregnated with the energy of fear – the energy of lowest vibrations of all.

Moreover, this expression makes one feel like lacking self-confidence.

And this lack of inner confidence will show up outwards by all means.

It is great if there is a wise and experienced person who happens to be by your side to do their best to reassure you of the opposite and incite your certainty about success.

Then by their opposite statements that convey high vibration energies they will be able to dissolve your fear and give strength to you.

Just remember how often you hear and sometimes say yourselves such expressions as “I can’t do anything”, “Everything is falling apart”, “Bad luck”…

Actually, the expressions that “materialize” and, consequently, “fortify” by words your success or failure are plenty indeed.

And you pronounce all of them out of habit: your subconscience gives them out automatically but they do not become less harmful because of this since they feature very low energies.

It is not accidental that now a lot of people doing spiritual practices focus attention on the particle “not” convincing people not to use it in vain.

It conveys a deep meaning as this particle itself features denial of your abilities, and it is, consequently, of low vibrations.

Feel the energy profile of such expressions as “I do not know”, “I can’t”, “I do not believe in this”, “I don’t want” and so on.

Of course, my dear, you cannot do or know everything or believe in the things that do not correspond to your Soul or want what is being imposed on you by force.

Yet, anyway, especially now it is necessary to take into consideration the way you express your feelings and intentions so that low vibration words and phrases do not retard your advancement on the spiritual road or influence the results of your actions.

Remember that one and the same though can be expressed in different ways being “covered in” either positive or negative energy and it means that actions to follow will be either constructive or destructive.

Here we will stop for today.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on May 28, 2022.

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