transition-to-the-fifth-dimension-divine-eyeGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today I would like to give you a meditation that will help you to trigger activation process of your third eye.

The process will be carried out in three steps.

The first step consists in maintaining stable vibrations of your sixth chakra, which will enable you to “half-open” your third eye lid.

At this stage you should learn to feel you third eye permanently and at any moment.

You certainly cannot be concentrated on it all the time when you are busy with your routine.

But as soon as there is a break in your daily round, switch your attention over to it as if checking if it is there.

The physical perception of its presence should be clear and lasting.

Responding to your mental impulse it should appear instantly.

You can even agree with your third eye on some conventional signs.

For example, every time you focus your attention on it, your sixth chakra can start pulsing, contracting, vibrating, getting warm or rotating clockwise…

Its manifestations range is quite wide, and each of you is likely to find your own sign that is more easily perceivable just by you.

And so as to master your skills of “communication” with the third eye, I will give you now a meditation that we will call “Divine Eye”.

For this purpose you should invoke all your Heavenly patrons and reach quite a deep meditative state…

Having completely freed yourself from irrelevant thoughts, focus totally on your sixth chakra…

By your inner vision try to see your beautiful third Divine eye, with it occupying all the space inside your forehead…

The energy of Unconditional Love emitted by it is so powerful that it seems your third eye is too big for the space of the sixth chakra designed for it…

It is growing huge and shining…

With its radiant look full of warmth and kindness it is embracing the whole world and all the inhabitants of the planet…

For it is the Eye of your Soul – God’s particle that has incarnated in a human body and has been put into a third dimension creature’s casing for a while.

And now being influenced by the energy of the Fifth dimension showering Earth, your third eye is “tearing” this casing and breaking free from the “prison” of the dual life…

Your Divine Soul getting merged with your new light crystalline body is stretching its wings at last and is getting its original sense organs it is accustomed to being at Home – in subtle worlds and the ones it missed so much in the third dimension world…

And its main subtle sense organ is exactly the third eye capable of penetrating with its look through all the space both on Earth and in Heaven and to see the very essence of people, things and events…

And this Divine inner vision does not prevent it from loving unconditionally every living being and accepting everybody the way they are with all their fears, weaknesses and defects…

This Divine Eye does not judge anyone but just LOVES since it does not know any other energy but the energy of the Unconditional Love…

Feel being one with God, my dear ones, by means of your Divine sense organ – the Third Eye…

I bless you for this and love you immensely!

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on September 27, 2019.

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