the-triunity-of-the-spirit-the-soul-and-the-body-conclusionGreetings, my dear beloved children!

The series of messages on the Triunity of the Spirit, the Soul and the Body is coming up to an end.

So today I would like to remind you the essential points you should always keep in mind and be guided by, the ones that should be taken as a principle in your life.

№ 1. Your conscience is always primary.

It is the conscience that governs thoughts and emotions.

It is the conscience that supplies building materials for your reality that can be either dark and gloomy or bright and happy.

It is the conscience that shapes your body.

And if you are able to get rid of long imposed thoughts that your body inevitably gets older and weaker, if you realize that all this happens only due to your “unhealthy” thoughts you will stop getting old and weak.

Your body would follow new “instructions” of your new Divine conscience for the asking.

Your body will launch self-healing and self-renewing process adjusting itself to the high frequency vibrations of your conscience and blooming with health.

№ 2. The Spirit is the underlying cause of everything in existence in our Universe.

It is the energy of Unlimited and Unconditional Love that has always been inherent in every human.

And it is only because of the difficult life conditions that the Spirit was overwhelmed and forced to “the basement” of your Conscience.

Now it is high time for everyone to let It come to light so that It takes up Its valid place in your Conscience, your Soul and your Divine body.

You should become spiritually strong but not in the sense that has long been assumed by the 3D world humans who had to struggle for a place in the sun.

Your Spirit – your Unconditional Love – should get that strong as to change your own reality and that of your relatives’, your planet’s, your Galaxy’s and your Universe’s one, for there is nothing stronger than Love…

№ 3. You should learn to depend on your Soul not your mind in your life.

It is the Soul not your mind that can transform your Conscience into the Divine one leading the way to the Ascension.

Your Soul is too complex and multidimensional for you to realize Its supernatural depth in all Its splendour.

Though never forget that your Soul is the very Divine sparkle that kindles the flame where everything superficial and superfluous, artificial and imposed will burn down.

№ 4. Your original body is a perfect Divine “tool” for cognition of life in all its aspects.

It houses the Spirit and the Soul that descend to help it to learn new and unknown lessons of life.

Restoring the Triunity of the Spirit, the Soul and the Body is the only way for one to fulfill one’s mission to a full extent and to the highest good of all.

And I bless you for this, my dear ones!

Father – Absolute, who loves you without measure, has spoken to you.

Channeled by Marta on July 31, 2018

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