Tag: Father – Absolute


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Escape from death)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued, I would like to explain to you the way adrenochrome influences people and especially INhumans whose energy structure seems to be unable to take in such a high vibration substance. It is rather complicated to formulate in a human language since all the processes occur at the subtle level and only their consequences show at the physical level. But you can try to imagine these things happening the following way. As a...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Immortality code)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about what Archon is and about the part played by him in all the events taking place on Earth now. Unfortunately, it is the most direct and even the leading one. But to enable you to get a better idea of how he has managed to “succeed” in this, we will have to return to remote past – to the time when reptiloids appeared on your planet. So as to consolidate here once and for all and not just consolidate but take key posts in...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about the effects of vaccination having impact on many people both in your country and all over the world. As you see, the truth is becoming more and more apparent, and it starts leaking even into the official mass media. Why do so many people die almost right after vaccination, while others have severe aftereffects? It is accounted for by several factors. The first of them is an energy one. Since Earth’s vibrations are swiftly...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine flame)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, now when you know that Unconditional Love is energy that lives “on its own” and does not need any “control” for your side, you can ask yourself a question: “What is my role here then?”. And it is in your becoming a part of this energy and remaining within its flow under any circumstances. Of course, it is not easy to do but there have already been offered so many practices on this issue to you that each of you can choose something to your...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (How to reach Unconditional Love state)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, what should you do so that Unconditional Love state settles in your energy space forever? It may sound ironic, but you do not need to do anything for this because any “doing” includes reasoning, while in this case it is Mind that should be completely isolated. Only “naked” pure Soul can maintain in one the state of Unconditional Love. Only for Soul this energy is native, usual and dear, and it does not have to make any efforts to remain in it...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (From powerlessness to new reality creation)

Greetings, my dear, beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, now we will speak about how you can transform the energy of powerlessness in the face of the situation that arose into the energy of creativity and constructive endeavor of the new reality where humanity is to live in the nearest future now. And as it has been repeatedly mentioned in my messages, while you cannot change the situation at the physical level all at once, it is quite possible for you to change it in terms...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy of Powerlessness)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about the way you can learn to Love Unconditionally still being in the world of the third dimension. At present the time has come when each human Soul is undergoing the durability test almost every day. The world government that has had their days being in agony is trying to impose on people the rules to make even the calmest and most patient person generate negative energies of irritation, censure and powerlessness to change...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Last barrier)

Greetings, my dear children! Today I would like to start a new topic and we will talk about the way you can destroy the last barriers separating the third dimension from the fourth and the Fifth one that the conscious part of Earth’s inhabitants are gradually coming into. We will start building a new reality with you relying on the knowledge I have been giving to you on this site for almost five years. Those who have been reading messages since the first days of the site are likely to have...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Constructive criticism)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, to round up with our talk on destructive and constructive criticism, I would like to make a clearer definition of both of its types. As for the first type, everything is more or less clear. Any criticism conveying the negative energies of anger, hatred, aggression or censure can just make the object criticized gain strength – be it a person or a situation and, consequently, is destructive by nature. So now, we will focus on what can be identified as...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Look from above)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us move on to the third point: how to leave the zone of shocking information impact on you so as not to imbue negative events with your energy of criticism, censure and anxiety. If you overcome this barrier as well and learn to take calmly the gravest crimes taking place on your planet, your conscience will really advance to another energy level required for Transition. So now, I will try to explain to you in the simplest possible way the...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Junk information)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued, we will talk about the way you can find the golden mean that enables you to be well informed about current events and at the same time not to get involved into endless discussion of them. I see that for many of you it is getting more and more difficult to do so since too much new information appears on the internet nowadays. There are both advantages and disadvantages here. Just as the mass media are speculating in...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Filter of Universe Love Flame)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us start with the way you can set an energy shield not only from the information itself but from the attitude towards it for the part of the people around. Every time before you play a video or read an article exposing the world government crimes and all the issues related to coronavirus, you should set an energy shield of the Flame of Universe Love on yourself and ask the Higher Powers of the Universe to help you take the information conveyed in a...

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