Tag: Father – Absolute


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Seventh stage – reunion with one’s Galaxy family)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the last stage of mass revival of humanity. The seventh stage is reunion of humanity with their Galaxy family. But it can happen only when your collective conscience is ready for it. In other words, there should get accumulated “critical mass” of people who can with no fear or doubt take the fact of your Galaxy being inhabited by other civilizations, with many of them being at a much higher level of development than you are. So...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sixth stage – uniting of all countries and nations into One family)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the stages of mass revival of humanity. The sixth stage is uniting of all countries and nations into One family. But, of course, it does not mean each country’s identity and culture will be destroyed as it is the case now. On the contrary, the reverse process of history and culture renaissance will start in terms of all the nations that inhabit Earth. As you know, for centuries the true history of your Earth has been...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fifth stage – start of constructive activity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about another stage of mass revival of humanity. The fifth stage is the beginning of constructive activity. After the old system of world order collapses, the one that is based on a hierarchy pyramid of power, humanity will have to learn to live a new way. It will be not easy to do as in this case at issue is not children whose bringing up and education can be adjusted quite fast but about generations of people with well-established world...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fourth stage – mass spiritual revival)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the next stage of mass revival of humanity. The fourth stage is rearrangement of people’s world view: reconsideration of both one’s own life and that of society in general or, in other words, mass spiritual revival. After people have realized the scale of the shadow government and their henchmen’s crimes, they will not be able to live the old way. All their being will demand renewal and, first of all, moral one. All this will be...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Third stage – realizing of new reality)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to out talk about mass revival of humanity today we will talk about its next stage. The third stage is realizing of a new reality by humanity. Taking into account fine psyche structure of humans, they should be allowed some time to reconsider the information absolutely new to them that actually turns upside down their usual life. And in this case the moral “shock therapy” will become much more traumatizing for them than, for example,...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Second stage – Disclosure)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the stages of mass revival of humanity. The second stage is upcoming Disclosure. Little by little the true information about current worldwide events that you gained from alternative sources will start to leak into the media. It actually starts happening already now but in tiny quantities so far since the mainstream media are still in the grip of globalists. Unfortunately, most people go on believing everything flowing from...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Stages of mass revival of humanity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, today I will tell you about the stages that mass revival of humanity will occur in. The first stage is political, economic and financial crisis that will concern almost everyone on Earth. But this time it will be different from the former crises that people have experienced more than once. Since now when Earth herself is giving you a helping hand sharing the high vibration energies that have been in abundance arriving...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Shock therapy for average men)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the reason why the scenario of Ascension was changed, with its time frames being shifted. While the previous messages were focused on the fact that even people who had the knowledge about the Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension were not ready for it, today we will talk about the rest of humanity who has even not embarked on the path of spiritual development yet. Well, such people make the majority though. They are the...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Were not ready physically and morally)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to tell you about one more reason for the procrastinated Transition of Earth to the Fifth dimension. The thing is that a drastic increase of vibrations not in the near-earth space but right on Earth now could have been pernicious for your mental and physical health. For even the people who knew about Transition and had been getting ready for it in a thorough way spiritually, yet, were not prepared for it...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Why Transition has procrastinated)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the reason why Transition to the Fifth dimension has been so extended, with the original impulse to it being produced in December 2012. You see, almost ten years has passed since then. And now let us consider what has happened for this time on Earth. We will start with the esoteric world which at that time possessed the information about Ascension since the Forces of Light were striving to communicate the information...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Karmic kinship)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of the current situation on Earth. And at issue will be the coalition against Russia created by the West. What is such unanimity verging on fanaticism caused by? Of course, the main reason for this is submission of the majority of the so-called “civilized” countries’ governments to their actual masters who remain in the shadow so far. All those who are so fervently protecting interests of the...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Recovery through crisis)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued today I would like to explain to you why the increasing global economic and food crisis on Earth can turn out not a catastrophe but an advantage for humanity. To help you better understand the processes now in progress in the world, remember that the recovery of the human physical body always occurs through a crisis: aggravation of a disease’s symptoms, weakness, high or too low temperature and sometimes even through...

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