Tag: Father – Absolute


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy interaction with objects)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now I am going to reveal one more detail of energy interaction for you, and this time it has to do with the impact your emotions make on non-living things. It is more likely to show itself in your interaction with all kinds of technical devices. For example, if you are nervous and fly off the handle, your phone, computer or any other technical device you are dealing with at the moment start behaving in a strange and sometimes inexplicable way. Why does this...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Negative thoughts impact on physical well-being)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So that you get a clearer idea of the extent your physical and psychic well-being are influenced by any fleeting negative thoughts flashed through your mind, especially if they have burst into emotions, I will tell you what happens in your energy space at such moments. What we will focus on right now will be your fleeting and more often standard reactions on negative events of your life. Let us have a case study of this. Suppose you heard about a natural...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on speaking about the way you can influence your environment by means of your vibrations. In my previous message we had an ideal case study that is rare to occur in practice. What is most often to occur is the following. A person striving for spiritual pureness and dreaming of Ascension does practices and meditations for filling Earth and collective human conscience with the energy of Love regarding it as being their Service. It really gives...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Dissolving of membrane between worlds)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we switch over to another topic closely connected to the topic of practical issues of the Transition to the Fifth dimension. I will tell you how to glimpse the interplay of the third dimension world and those of the higher vibrations’. I am happy that many of you have already understood that depending on your conscience level and spiritual pureness there is the world you created yourself. But, unfortunately, not many can maintain its stability –...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Merging with Divine aspects)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to cast light on one more energy peculiarity of energy structure of a person, which will help you to feel its sacred essence to a full extent. As a matter of fact, the energy channels connecting your chakras and subtle bodies with each other are also connected at a subtler level with your Maternal Soul that in case of many ancient souls embodied on Earth now exists in very high dimensions – up till the eighth one. What does it mean for...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy design of a person)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the ways you can get your chakras and subtle bodies ready for making your physical body consistent with the new vibrations of Earth as soon as possible. Having done the practices on purification of your emotional, mental and causal bodies from all your wrong thoughts and emotions you are to bring them to harmony with your upper – Divine – bodies and chakras. And this is how you can do this. Imagine yourself being a seven-layer...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy process of healing)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about determining how clean your subtle bodies are – emotional, mental and causal. I think each of you, and especially those who have been engaged in energy practices for a long time, are well aware of the fact that even after the deepest cleaning of your subtle bodies, your illnesses that have been accumulating for years, and sometimes decades, cannot disappear instantly. The process of the developing of the disease and its...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Interaction of etheric and causal bodies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to consider the next human body – the causal one – and its influence on the etheric body. By and large, all these three bodies – emotional, mental and causal – need to be considered in conjunction with each other. We started from below – with the emotional body – only because, as a rule, it is the most “polluted” in a person. And since the physical body is in the center of your Divine vessel, we...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Interaction of etheric and mental bodies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we will continue the conversation on making an “interlayer” between your physical and atmic bodies clean, transparent and highly vibrational. And today we will talk about the interaction of mental and etheric bodies, as well as the corresponding chakras – the fourth and the second ones. The influence of the mental body on the etheric one is enormous since it is the thoughts that give rise to emotions which often later develops into an...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy process of disease origin)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! To complete my story about the interaction of the etheric and emotional bodies of a person in this transition period, I want to dwell on another aspect of such interaction. As I told you before, the Divine Matrix is ​​a fusion of your physical and atmic bodies. But this can happen only by full purification of all your intermediate subtle bodies which being combined in the energy of Love will become a solid “binder material” for them. And now...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue the conversation about the etheric body of a person and move on to the practical part of working with it. Since in the third dimension the etheric body is directly connected with the emotional, mental and causal bodies that supply it with the “material” which it is formed from, we will dwell on its interaction with each of these bodies in more detail. And we will start with the emotional body that corresponds to your third chakra,...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (The interaction of the etheric and physical bodies)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! To continue my yesterday’s message, I would like to tell you about ways for speeding up the process of creating your Divine matrix. And today we will put our focus on the energy interaction of the physical and etheric bodies of man. As you already know, the etheric body is the exact twin of your physical body with the only difference that it is not manifested externally, that is it is invisible for you. The etheric body can be compared with the...

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