Tag: Ashtar Sheran


News from the Galactic Federation of Light (February 10, 2018)

Greetings, our dear earthlings! The Galactic Federation of Light instructed me to give you the following message. After the moon eclipse when the moon has been colored red, your earth made an enormous jump into the new level of vibrations. I know that many of you have noticed that based on your physical and psychological state. At the same time, the Dark forces on the astral plane and the reptiloids, incarnated in the human bodies, has became very active. If such “a shake up” positively...


The Future Changes

Greetings, our dear earthlings! Today, I was instructed to give you the following message from the Galactic Federation of Light. As you already know, the new countdown of time started from the end of October; when the Earth got prepared for the final energetic “jump” into the fifth-dimension, where she already exists in her subtle bodies. We see that many of you are feeling these upcoming changes as if they are hanging in the air; and the anomalous natural phenomena, occurring more and...


The Future Depends on You

Greetings, my dear earthlings! The most decisive moment for your planet is coming now, when your planet enters the period of global purification, that will be expressed through a series of natural disasters. We have already told you many times how greatly interconnected all the events happening in your world are. Everything that happens on the energy level gradually descends to the physical plane, and this can be expressed in different ways. For example, social disturbances in one country can...


The First Contact

Greetings, our dear earthlings! I came here today with joyful and, I think, quite unexpected news for you. After the lengthy negotiations, we were able to make contact with some of the officials of the leading countries. It allows us to hope that in the nearest future, they will announce the truth about our existence and about our kind intentions for you. It means that the new era in the history of humanity is starting, when you could communicate with your Galactic family directly. But we...

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