REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (A wolf in sheep’s clothing)

reptiloids-and-clones-a-wolf-in-sheeps-clothingGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today we will discuss an issue that is rather painful for many of you and I would like you to read this message with open heart and pure Soul fully accepting the idea of every living being on Earth having a right to live.

We are going to speak about those who suddenly realized that there are reptiloids among their family and friends.

It can be really painful for those who realized that their wife, husband or child belongs to this category.

And there are many people like this among you because it is you – ancient pure and lofty Souls – who they have got attracted to.

I dictated my previous messages not to frighten you or cause your feeling hostile towards reptiloids but to let you know the actual state of things on Earth and to help you learn to behave the right way.

First of all, I would like to mention that high caste reptiloids are almost impossible to come across in usual life as they keep aloof.

Reptiloids that are likely to be in your environment are the so-called “rank and file” ones who are victims themselves because their conscience is “supervised” from above and they act in accordance with certain programmes of the corresponding level.

As a rule, in everyday life they are decent law-abiding and loving their family “people” by extremely practical and unreceptive to any spiritual knowledge.

And they are sure to choose you for a partner not by chance: following the programme implanted into their conscience they have “to bring you back to earth” all the time which they have been doing during all your life together trying to limit your thoughts and actions to material-dominated, practical, sphere.

But try considering it from another angle: how strong, brave, wise and loving your Souls should be so as to make that difficult choice – life with a reptiloid!

Not everyone is able to overcome such an obstacle towards Light but those reading the message have managed to do it.

And now when you know how complicated the world is and how “densely populated” every single niche is you shouldn’t become embittered to your partner starting blaming them of the things they are innocent of.

Just the opposite, you should feel sympathetic keeping in mind that “a man can do no more than he can” and that their conscience doesn’t belong to them.

On the other hand, you can’t let a reptiloid control your conscience either. You should stick to the path your Soul has chosen securing It against being enslaved by whoever it may be.

So, if both of you are happy with your life together you should just keep your family hearth carefully avoiding rough edges or discussing contradicting issues.

In other words, you will have “to go underground” not giving reptiloids complete control over your inner world and not letting them criticize the things that are sacred for you.

And let your reptiloid husband or wife go on dealing with the practical issues of the family, which is familiar and usual for them while you should feel grateful that due to them you can manage your time in favour of your spiritual life.

Try to find the proper balance in your relations and create the atmosphere where each member could indulge in their hobbies respecting other members’ interests at the same time.

I hope, my dear ones, for your wisdom, patience and Love that will enable you to find the best way out of any situation to the highest good of all.

Loving you endlessly Father – Absolute spoke to you.

Channeled by Marta on December 25, 2018

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