LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy breathing)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about how you can transform your respiratory system in accordance with new vibrations of Earth. But first, I would like to explain to you why I started the topic of your body’s changes not from breathing though it is one of the main vital signs of the human body. I would like you to work through denser, in terms of energy, systems of your life support first so that it would be easier for respiratory system to “make its way”. The...

Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today there is a need to tell you about one more event that will directly influence you and the planet in general. And we will speak about the energy perturbations taking place all over our Galaxy that are connected with Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension. As you already know, according to the Universe Law of Unity everything occurring on your planet in this or that way influences other planets of the Galaxy. Moreover, one more reason for this to happen...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine raying)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about your physical body transformation into the light crystalline one. And now we will move on to chemical waste clearing of your digestive system. I know that many of you changed your food habits long ago and have switched over to vegetarian diet completely. But the fact that for many years you used to consume unhealthy industrial foods rich in preservatives has, of course, had its impact on your body. And it is especially true...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Soaring body)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the way you can learn to “blow through” your muscle tissue with Divine energy. Because of the sedentary lifestyle many of you have your physical body literally “compressed”, as a result of which a lot of nerve endings have turned out to be clamped. Artificial physical exercises such as jogging, training simulators and even specially designed exercises give only temporary effect and, besides, they target the warming up of...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to give some supplement to yesterday’s Ashtar Sheran message and to tell you about the behind-the-scene struggle that is conducted in many countries of the world. Having a presentiment of their defeat, the Dark forces’ protégés at all the levels of power still go on performing under inertia, which may still cause a lot of problems to people dependent on them. And now we will speak about the way you can minimize their influence on you...

Greetings, our dear earthlings! I have not come to you for a long time since at the subtle level there occurred events crucial for Earth and now I will tell you about main of them. The first one and most significant for you is total and final victory of the Forces of Light both at the subtle and at the physical level of Earth. Though it still seems to you that Dark controls your planet, it is actually not true. Those who used to rule the destinies of the world have already acknowledged their...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Rejuvenating “plant”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to give you more details on energy mechanism of your physical body transformation into the light crystalline one. Let us look into it using the example of your work with circulatory system, which was spoken about in my previous message. What happens to your blood composition when you fill it with the Energy of Ascension? To cut a long story short, this energy purifies blood microelements freeing them of all the distortions that are these...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Circulatory system purification)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about the way one can control physiological processes taking place in one’s body by power of conscience. After you have learnt to keep your energy space pure all the time, it will be easier for you to move to the Fifth dimension now not only by your conscience but by your physical body as well. And there under the protection of new energies and your loyal helpers the Tetragonians you can start an exciting process of your...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the current events in the world, I would like to focus on one more aspect of theirs. And what will be at issue are the world government marionettes we spoke about in my previous message. Right now many of them just as their masters feel the coming collapse. This is what accounts for their actions taken to the point of absurdity: toughening of all kinds of prohibitions and aggravation of punishment for their violation. They are too in a...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to add some explanation to the things that are happening on your planet now. It is of great importance because all the media in the grip of the world government have waged a real information war against the Forces of Light. No unscrupulous methods are alien to them. Outrageous lie is coming out of all the official sources and many of you have got the impression that the Dark forces are taking over. But...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to digress from our topic again and focus on the current events taking place on Earth. November will be the turning month for your planet for many reasons. First of all, it concerns people’s attitude towards a new round of the coronavirus hysteria. As you see, it is increasing with every single day in almost all countries of the world. Why does it happen? Of course, not because of the rise in the number of the infected which hardly...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Light crystalline body creation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start to consider in detail the inner processes of human body transformation from the physical into the light crystalline one. But the first thing to remember is that without your conscience transformation no changes can occur in your physical body. And here is the reason for that. It is your conscience that initiates all the physiological processes in your body. This is what all tables on psychosomatic causes of diseases are based on since any...