WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Like ball against wall)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will try to work out the tangle of the modern world where people have divided into opposing groups not only in different countries but also in their immediate environment. And in this case beside the policy “divide and rule” that has already become usual and that is made by the world leaders there is made an impact by the mental duality of people themselves and each particular individual’s Soul’s age. As...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Epoch of disagreement)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we start a new topic with you, the one that is actually not new to you but this time we will consider it from a little different angle. And at issue will be the attitude towards the people who do not share your point of view. Since such people are in majority among those who surround you now, you should work out clear tactics of interaction with them so as not to do any harm either to them or to yourselves. What can your disagreement be in? Before all,...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (From the contrary)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to draw a conclusion to our talk on the things that hamper your energy work at your physical body. Perhaps, you have noticed that almost all the causes I mentioned are closely interconnected, while some of them result from others. So, for example, lack of belief in your strength does not allow you to set life priorities correctly assigning enough time for energy practices and encourages you to follow other people’s advice. And all this...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (To live one’s day wisely)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will for nth time talk about the way you can learn to set your life priorities getting rid of the things that prevent you from heading for the goal. And in this case at issue will be what distracts your attention from your work at your physical body. To understand this, try to split your usual day into components and estimate how much time you spend on yourselves – rest, meditation, energy practices – and how much time you spend on all the other...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Bonfire of healing)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will dwell on the fourth cause that is the obstacle on your way to healing. And at issue will be your impatience and desire to get an instant result. Unfortunately, not many are capable of a systematic and committed work for a long time. In most cases it happens only when one is really within a hair’s breadth of death or when there is a threat of a disability for life. Then one gets a powerful stimulus to work on one’s body. But if one needs...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Preventive examination)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to tell you about the way you can establish a contact with your body. Before all, you should learn to get its signs at the physical level. And in this case at issue are preventive measures rather than painful sensations that arise in it as a “SOS” signal this time. It is extremely essential to anticipate the development of a disease and start working at the body’s spot or organ that is just at...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Out of submission)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the third cause that blocks your way to self-healing. Why do people have more belief in “expert” opinions of others and only in the very last turn in themselves? It is accounted for by a lot of factors but, first of all, by the fact that the idea that it is necessary to obey others has been imposed on them: first one’s elders – parents and teachers, then bosses and state officials without a murmur executing all their orders...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (You are masters of all your thoughts and emotions)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, the second cause that hampers your success while working with your physical body is your inability to control your thoughts and emotions. We have already talked really a lot about this, and you have been provided with numerous practices and meditations that are aimed at the transformation of your negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones. That is why today I will just summarize everything that has been said for these years and provide you with...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Miracles” become reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, now we will consider in more detail each of the causes enumerated in it that interfere with the success of your work on the physical body. And we will start with your disbelief in miracles of healing. It seems to many of you that even if such wonders happen to other people, they turn out rare exceptions to the rules, not a usual phenomenon typical of anyone at all. Well, how can you overcome such a pattern that has...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Impediments on way to healing)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the causes that prevent you from making the desired come true: to heal your body or even restore a lost organ or body part. The main cause is, without doubt, that people lack faith in such “wonders” that are actually not the ones. The knowledge of unlimited opportunities of man has been concealed from them for such a long time that in human subconscience there has become well fixed the statement about aging and...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Self-healing by power of thought)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of the human body self-healing and self-restoring process. And at issue will be the ability of people to control this process by power of thought and intention. Unfortunately, in the third dimension world such ability has been almost lost and only rare strong personalities manage to gain this ability to adjust their body’s functions themselves. Sadly enough but most often one recalls of God and one’s...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy mechanism of cells renewal)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the way the cells renewal process occurs – what energy mechanisms are involved into this process. For a start, try to imagine your body as honeycombs of a microscopic size. And each cell of theirs is exactly what your body cell is. In their ideal – valid – condition they are filled, like with honey, with Divine vivifying energy. But as soon as there are some faults in the body, this “honey” – the vital energy of a cell...