LIFE ON NEW EARTH (New reality manifestation)

life-on-new-earth-new-reality-manifestationGreeting, my dear beloved children!

Today we start a new topic that can roughly be called “New reality manifestation”.

Although we have already talked a lot about the principles of a new society arrangement, now, when you are at the very threshold of Transition from the chaos holding sway over Earth to the purification zone, it is time to give in detail all the processes occurring in the world and lead your conscience the constructive way.

But first, let us discuss what I mean by the expression – “purification zone”.

This is a period of restructurizing of all your society starting with its collective conscience and finishing with the arrangement of new social structures that will replace the institutions of power of today.

The most difficult to purify is, of course, collective human conscience.

You have made sure yourselves, my dear, how difficult it was to work with your subconscience that has literally got “ossified” because of the programmes that have been instilled into it for centuries and that are aimed at creating certain mental and behaviour patterns for people.

So now, you have to get rid of each of the pattern in a persistent way thereby changing collective human conscience as well.

Duality has got so eaten into your being that comparison has become the first and most natural impulse that triggers the entire chain of a human mental process.

Therefore, the first thing we will start with is to learn not to compare yourselves with others and, consequently, not to assess another person relying on your own views and opinions.

I see that so far few have managed to succeed in tackling this task.

The reasons for this are numerous but the main on is that for many centuries and millennia on Earth there has been instilled SEPARATION of people according to the principle “Divide and rule”.

And it has reached its climax now: a group of INhumans has made almost all your planet’s population submit having imposed on them most absurd and unnatural rules of behaviour in connection with the “pandemic” artificially created for these purposes.

And to blame is separation of people’s conscience again, which turned fertile ground for the grain of doubt and fear for one’s life to fall.

If collective human conscience was whole, this mass psychosis would be impossible.

In that case collective human intuition would work and they would feel that actual DANGER is not in the virus but in those who created it and taking advantage of it are trying to bring to life their inhumane plan on Earth’s population reduction.

The things that are taking place now, and it is to a large extent due to your efforts, is “gathering at one point” of real state of affairs on your planet understanding, which brings new life into the stiff collective human conscience thereby dissolving century-old “outgrowths” of alien programmes.

And the more people join the process, the sooner your collective conscience will get purified from these programmes thereby returning its Divine purity it originally featured.

And one of its main components is UNITY based not on duality but unipolar mentality that applies to everything and, first of all, to communication between people.

Here we will stop for today.

Loving you endlessly,

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on April 6, 2021.

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