TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Femininity and masculinity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the influence made by human sexual energy on their life in general. To start with, sexual energy of a man and a woman shows itself not only during physical exchange between them but in their everyday life, too. The thing that you are accustomed to call femininity and masculinity is just the way this energy is expressed in the outer world. And it is explained by the fact that in most cases sexual energy is an inborn quality. During...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the way there is expressed at the subtle level sexual energy of spiritually closу and truly loving each other a man and a woman. Unfortunately, such relationships are rare to come across and even if they are the case, to reach perfect harmony a man and a woman have to make a lot of effort. It is accounted for by the fact that true harmony is possible only when there are united the masculine and the feminine that are vividly...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now I would like to focus on the influence in terms of energy made on humans by sexual dissoluteness that in modern world is covered by the nice expression of “free relations between a man and a woman”. Unfortunately, people in the third dimension world have never managed to find the golden mean in this sphere of their life going from one extreme to the other. These relationships were either “held in bondage” by strict family customs often uniting...
Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I would like to share with you my findings on the recent events on your planet and tell you about the part the Galaxy Light Federation representatives play in them. The autumn that has come will give you a lot of surprise that will influence life of every person. You will have to reconsider really a lot of things that used to be usual and natural for you. Many of you will have to face arbitrary rule of authorities and their aggressive behaviour towards you...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress from our topic and will speak about the way events are developing on Earth during the first days of September. Now there is coming the time in your life when every day you have to protect, both physically and in terms of energy, not only your own rights but those of your children’s, as well, for they are still totally dependent on you. As you already know, the last stage of reptiloids’ plan on complete humanity enslavement...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy insight into sexual violence)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the way sexual energy influences the one who abuses another person and on the one being abused. Unfortunately, in the third dimension world it happens quite seldom that subtle sense organs of a man and a woman resonate with each other to a full extent creating harmony between them at all the levels of existence. Besides, up till now in many countries of the world women are totally dependent on men both financially and...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about energy interaction between a man and a woman in everyday life. In other words, it will be spoken so far not about close relationships of a man and a woman but about the things that happen to them in terms of energy, for example, during their first meeting or simply at fleeting accidental meetings and looks at each other when their fields barely contact one another. Since it is originally of human nature to be eager to find one’s...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Sexual energy impact on human life)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about sexual energy that in the Fifth dimension will acquire quite different quality. But now when you find yourselves at the junction of two dimensions it is of great importance to pay due attention to this intimate side of your life as well. Many of you live almost in the fourth dimension now, which facilitates your conscience and all your bodies’ transformation and helps you adjust to the new high vibration energies arriving...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Sexual energy during Transition period)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about sexual energy during the period of Transition. This intimate sphere of human life is of great importance since sexual energy is one of the most powerful in the Universe. It is explained by the fact that it is this energy that triggers new life germination. And the quality of this energy can vary greatly. But since this process is participated by two what is at issue is merging of energies of man and woman. It is their relationships...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Any experience is invaluable)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to touch upon the issue that, as I know, many of you are concerned about: whether your skills and abilities of the third dimension world will be useful on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension. They surely will! Any experience is invaluable, my dear, and whatever you do being in any dimension should be brought to perfection. It is easier, of course, when you are busy with your favourite occupation. This is exactly the reason why the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about how you can reach the ideal state that will enable you to live full life and not just to await Ascension. First of all, you should remember that the Fifth dimension is the space of no time, which the moment of “here and now” exactly is. It is quite possible to attain still finding oneself in the third dimension. But for this some efforts should be made since it will not be always easy for you to restrain your Mind. It...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, for my previous message to be continued, let us focus on the amazing phenomenon which is why one cannot speed up the process of one’s dreams coming true. At first sight it may seem illogical since you already know that each thought is of material nature that is everything you create in your imagination and imbue with your emotions becomes real sooner or later. So, why does TIME often become an obstacle for your desire to come true? It is quite simple...