Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about how your conscience and your physical bodies interact with the Energy of Ascension that has come to power on your planet since the beginning of this year. It is this energy that is designed to play the main role in human conscience transformation towards the Divine and their physical bodies into light crystalline ones. Perhaps, the Energy of Ascension can be called the most refined in terms of perception since it is universe and has...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Code of world creation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to a more detailed talk on the next energy of the vibration scale that is called the Universe Energy of Supreme Creator. As it was said in my recent message, this energy is directly related to your pineal gland. So, for mindful use in a full extent it is available only to few so far – only those with this Divine subtle sense organ completely activated. How does the Universe Energy of Supreme Creator interact with you and what influence...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Higher protection and support)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the Energy of Supreme Creator of the Universe and about the things happening when you invoke it. It is this energy that allows you to cross the threshold separating the fourth dimension from the Fifth one. But to hold out on this height, you should make a lot of effort. Since the Energy of Supreme Creator of the Universe is received by the sixth chakra that is a fine Divine tuning tool for the interaction with your higher aspects, in...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today what is at issue is your attitude to the growing tension in all spheres of your life. As you have probably guessed now there is beginning the decisive fight between the world government and the revived part of humanity. It is during these autumn months when your destiny is decided on and it depends on each of you. For the time being, in spite of the growing number of protests and the increasing amount of true information about coronavirus the odds are...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the Energy of Creator in more details. This energy cannot decrease its vibrations lower than those of your fifth chakra’s. Its main task is to awaken human creative potential. And this is how it is expressed at the subtle level. When you invoke this energy it comes to you through the seventh and sixth chakras and then descends to the fifth one and starts working at your throat chakra and the causal body. What is its...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So now, I would like to tell you in some details about principles of work with each of the energies that were at issue in my previous messages. And we will start with the Energy of Love and Light that is the first stage on the way to Ascension. This energy can surely be called the energy of the fourth chakra because in the course of interaction with it human fourth chakra gets fully activated. But, moreover, it is this energy that makes the Crystal of Love...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about one more energy that has a very wide range of action. Well, it is called the Flame of Universe Love. As it has already been said in many of my messages, the energy of Love is the prime cause and foundation of life of the whole Universe. Love is the energy of the highest vibrations among all the existing energies. While Universe Love is its purest source. So, what is the Flame of Universe Love like? It is the highest concentration...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy of the Great Central Sun)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you in more details about the Energy of the Great Central Sun that many of you already successfully use in your everyday life. The Great Central Sun is the main celestial body of your Universe. It has taken in all the flame power that is designed not only to warm galaxies and their inhabitants but also to clear them from filth – heavy low vibration energies. And such purification by means of fire is, perhaps, the most efficient...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about the energy that is of the highest vibrations among those existing on Earth nowadays. This is the Energy of Ascension. I dealt on it in some of my messages, so now I would like to explain to you why I asked you to invoke it as often as possible in spite of the fact that its vibrations correspond to those of some people only. This energy is unique in that not only can it adapt to the energies of lower vibrations but also pull them up...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Universe Energy of Supreme Creator)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will focus on another energy that in terms of vibrations is very close to those of the Energy of Supreme Creator’s ones and even their names are alike. It is called Universe Energy of Supreme Creator. So, what is the difference between them? Universe Energy of Supreme Creator is the energy of the pineal gland, and, consequently, it can be received only by the people with their pineal gland fully activated. Their names being so similar is accounted...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy of Supreme Creator)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the next energy that is available to those who already perceive their sixth chakra well. This is the energy of the first stage of the Fifth dimension and it is called the Energy of Supreme Creator of the Universe. This energy is designed to revive in a person the memory of their Divine origin – of the fact that they were created after the image and likeness of God, which means they are God’s particle. Try to invoke this...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, now we will speak about the Energy of Creator. It will not be an exaggeration to call this energy that of the fourth dimension and here is the reason for that. This energy came to your planet when Earth’s transition to the Fifth dimension became irreversible. So as to help you better understand the sequence of Divine energies’ arrival at Earth, you can imagine your planet being submerged, like into dirty water, into the third dimension energy...