LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Bridge between dimensions)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, in continuation of my previous message now we will speak about the way you can create the most comfortable energy background for you for the whole period of Transition. To start with, I would like to say that a detailed instruction for Transition cannot be supplied, for there are no two people alike. Each of you is heading for Ascension in their own way, and some of you do this in a jolly and careless manner, while others take pains overcoming numerous...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the current situation on Earth. Nowadays your planet is witnessing the most vigorous energy confrontation that is reaching its final stage. As you already know, the struggle of the Light and the Dark forces does not cease even for a minute at the subtle level of Earth, as well as at the physical one. Yet, there is some kind of cyclicity that is determined by many factors, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Quiet harbor in ocean of life)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start learning to distribute energy so as to unite the high vibration space of the Fifth dimension that many of you already exist in by their conscience and the space of the third dimension where you bodies still find themselves. Since everything around you is energy, you can imagine it as boundless ocean with numerous underwater currents, turbulences, storm areas and quiet harbours. And all this is constantly moving, merging, mixing and...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy parity in family relations)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us continue speaking about the way you can protect your energy space from alien energies influence. I know that the most complicated situation you find yourself in is the one when you are attacked in terms of energy by your close people and especially by your family members. Unlike outside people, your nearest and dearest can turn into a sustained “source of tension” for you especially if they are far from the things that are sacred for you. It...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (How to protect one’s energy space from alien energies influence)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you can protect your energy space from negative energies that are out of your control. While you are responsible for the quality of your own energies you emit outward, which was spoken about in my previous message, you are not responsible for the energies of the people around you. And the only thing you can do is to learn to protect yourself from them and prevent them from interfering into your energy space. Many of you set...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Inner inspector)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the next issue that is directly related to the phenomenon of time during transition period. And we will speak about your responsibility for the energies you emit into the world. Now, when the energy space of Earth begins to refract changing its vibrations, just as the energy of time does, it is essential that these space-time distortions produce only a positive effect. And it can happen only if the people within this space feature...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Time during transition period)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, summarizing my previous messages, I would like to remind you once again that during Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension the energy of time advances to a new level of its existence as well. Time ceases to be linear as it was in the third dimension world. Yet, since Earth and her inhabitants have not ultimately moved into a new energy space of TIMELESSNESS yet, it continues to exist but in a “refracted” way. Just as refracted for many of you...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Getting lost in time)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will offer you one more practice that will help you interact with the energy of time in a harmonious way. At present at your planet there is arriving a unique period when the usual old world is beginning to collapse and, since linear time is also this world’s part, it starts changing its parameters as well. But in this case it is extremely important that being at the same wave length with your planet, the energy of time also resonates with her...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Cooperation with energy of time)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will offer you one more practice that will enable you to establish harmonious relations with the energy of time. Let us call it “Cooperation with energy of time”. And this is what it is. Try to imagine the third dimension world time as a ruler with scales for years, with the first scale being the year of your birth. And in your imagination put yourself where your present age is marked. Thereby, you will track your life way with the years passed...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Inner watch)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of the energy of time’s influence on biological age of a person and on their life in general, I would like to highlight one more aspect of its interaction with people. Since you can control your conscience and, consequently, both outer and inner energy processes, you are quite capable of learning to regulate time parameters as well, those making influence on your body and different events of your life. And I will offer you...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (How to make friends with energy of time)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about one’s age in terms of one’s interaction with the energy of time. Why do many people start perceiving time in a different manner as they are growing older? For some people it literally starts “flying”, while for others it stops. It is mainly explained by the fact that in the course of time a third dimension person’s habits acquired during the present incarnation become aggravated. Mentality and behaviour stereotypes...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Time and age)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more feature typical of the energy of time. Beside the fact that time can change its parameters depending on the vibrations of the energy space it gets into, it is also one of the indicators of one’s age. But first, let us look into what “age” is. In the third dimension world it means, first of all, the number of years lived and, secondly, the experience gained over the years. While in the worlds of higher dimensions the...