Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of your nourishment at the threshold of the Fifth dimension, today I will tell you about sea food and milk products since I know that many of you are concerned about this. Fish and all kinds of sea and freshwater inhabitants have faithfully served man for centuries being one of the main components of their diet. Unlike herbivorous animals and predators living on Earth and possessing conscience of high level, they are some...
TRANSITIO TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Food as spirituality source)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let us continue dealing with the issue of changing your attitude to nourishment, which is an essential component of your physical body transformation into a light crystalline one. After you stop eating meat you will feel how light and clean your body becomes. It will feel as if it has been reborn physically and in terms of energy having been cleared of waste products that have been accumulated in it for many years of meat consumption. But to secure your...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let us go on talking about the way the structure of your physical body will change into light crystalline one. To start with, this process must be triggered by your conscience. And it can happen only when it has reached the vibration level of the Fifth dimension. The new energies arriving on Earth nowadays and your Heavenly assistants can help you only in terms of energy, but most work on your body transformation has to be done by you yourselves. And the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start talking about how you should get your physical body ready for Transition. But you should always remember that it is your conscience that must be ready for this before all. First, it is your conscience that you should rise to the appropriate vibration frequency and only then “pull” your body to it. A light crystalline body has already been much spoken about. So, what exactly is it? A light crystalline body is a subtle material...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Unity of unipolar mentality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now I would like to tell you about another peculiarity of unipolar mentality or a Unipolar Mind. Since it has the matrix of Unity with all the living beings in the Universe secured in it, a Unipolar Mind can telepathically catch mental impulses of the creatures being of the same vibration frequency. How does this happen? For example, if a person of engineering mind existing in the Fifth dimension tries to solve some technical problem, they are quite likely...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today, on the first day of the year of 2020, I would like to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Era on Earth. Meanwhile, I would like to remind you once again that, first of all, this Era should come to your Soul and your Conscience. If you will still be waiting for it to show itself only in the outer world and will hope that somebody else – more spiritually advanced or better informed about the current events taking place on Earth – will start...
2020 is a corridor to the Fifth dimension
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In my today’s message I would like to give you my wishes for the coming year that will be really crucial both for your planet and for each of you. It really will be special, and the reason for this is as follows. The year of 2020 will become an energy corridor connecting the third and the Fifth dimensions. Next year Earth will start getting “inside out”, which was spoken about in one of my messages. This is exactly the moment when there will appear the...
Collective human conscience change towards the Divine
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with summing up of the passing year’s outcomes I would like to tell you about the good things that happen on Earth during this year. Before all, there has been an increase in the number of the revived souls. And even those of them who have never heard of Ascension of Earth intuitively feel that in the life of the planet and in the life of people there has been an OVERTURN. As a result, they treat all the information they get in a...
On earth and in heavens
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will continue speaking about the changes that have taken place on your planet this passing year. Besides crucial changes concerning filling Earth with high vibration energies, there have occurred a lot of changes at the physical level as well, many of which were initiated by the dark side and aimed at preventing earthlings from Transition to a new level of their existence. In other words, this year the confrontation between the Dark forces and the...
Passing year’s outcomes
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to digress from our topic and sum up the year of 2019 in some way. It has become truly crucial for many and many inhabitants of your planet since in terms of energy it has separated them into those who potentially can resonate with the new vibrations of Earth and perform Transition alongside with it into the Fifth dimension and those who will not be able to do this under any circumstances. Unfortunately, the former are much less...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Unipolarity as endless diversity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will go on speaking about what a Unipolar Mind is. I would like you to well understand that Unipolar does not mean it is somewhat one-sided at all. As a matter of fact, it is limitless since embraces ALL THE KNOWLEDGE gained by humanity for the time of its existence. How is it possible? A person who has passed the border of the Fifth dimension by their conscience finds themselves in the energy space of Unconditional Love with quite different physical...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what a Unipolar Mind is and the fact that it is now taking over a third dimension mind. I know, my dear ones, how difficult it is for you to get rid of the dual mentality that has already become your second nature. But you should get a clear idea that without this you will not be able to live in the Fifth dimension energy space since you will not manage to cross the vibration “border” separating the two worlds. And know you...