Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we continue the conversation about Unconditional Love that is the basis of the view and understanding of the world around us by the Human God. After you learn not to divide people into ins and outs, the second step on the path to your spiritual perfection should become the STATE of TIMELESSNESS. And this is what it means. Theoretically, you have already learned perfectly well that every Soul is immortal and goes a long way of incarnations in different...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the main feature of the Human God embodied on Earth. We have talked about Unconditional Love so much that for many this concept has become a little blurred, depreciated, same as it happens with everything that becomes seemingly quite understandable and familiar. In fact, Unconditional Love has no boundaries, and it is impossible to describe in words. Just as impossible as to LEARN to love unconditionally. You can only REACH it,...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Mechanism of energy influence)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To continue my yesterday’s message, I would like to remind you once again that there is neither time nor distance for energy. In this regard, it is sometimes difficult for a person to track where an energy attack comes from. Now I will explain in more detail how this chain works: thought – emotion – energy impact on yourself or another person. But firstly, I will give a clear definition of each of these components. Thought is a flash of...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Light dissolves Darkness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell how to transform Darkness into Light by the power of thought not even reaching a meditative state. Nowadays it is becoming urgent for many of you. And there is a reason for this. The higher you rise in your spiritual development, the more reptiloids and dark forces attack you, for they try by all means to hold their ground on Earth in order to prevent their usual world from falling down where they feel rightful masters. Darkness has been...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (You are all parts of the Whole One)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my yesterday’s message to be continued, I would like to focus on one more aspect of such a notion as “the Whole One”. I know, my dear ones, sometimes it is difficult for you to realize the fact that any person even the most disgusting at first sight – rude, aggressive, cruel or greedy – is a part of the Divine Whole One. While you theoretically accept this, in practice for many it is difficult to put up with and still more difficult not react...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let us try to figure out whether it is possible being a part of the Whole One at the same time to be its Creator, which was spoken about in my previous message. There is actually no contradiction here. So as to help you better understand this Divine mechanism let us consider life of a person who is a scriptwriter, producer and an actor of their life simultaneously. From an early age, as soon as a child realizes their belonging to other people they start...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (From simple to complex)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to move on to the topics familiar to you that you are ready to learn from another level of your conscience now. You have probably noticed that for some years we have been talking about almost one and the same, the difference being in the interpretation of the notions you are already familiar with. It certainly does not happen by chance. Your vibration frequency rises with every message you read, which means that your conscience also takes...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I want to give you a practice that will help you expand your subtle bodies to the size that will enable you to embrace by them huge spaces along with other people. Those of you who are engaged in healing know very well that the highly vibrational flow of energies easily overcomes the spatial and temporal boundaries during your sessions. The people to whom you are doing the session may be on the other side of the planet, but they perfectly feel your...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Personality from Divine Point of View)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk about another very important quality of a person that is inextricably connected with the concept of wholeness. And it is about your attitude to yourself as a PERSONALITY, not in the generally accepted meaning though, but from the Divine point of view. In the third dimension world, the word “personality” means a strong, intelligent, successful person in any area of life endowed with certain talents and abilities. And the...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (How to gain integrity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will again talk about why it is so important now to focus all your attention on yourselves and what way this should be expressed in. It is mostly expressed in that you need to gain your WHOLENESS. Without this you simply cannot help others – those who need your help so much. And this is what I mean by the word “wholeness”. Firstly, it is your ability not to get emotionally involved in the problems and affairs of other people, even when...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Evil from Divine point of view)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what Evil is from Divine point of view. It may seem strange to you that Evil is also of Divine origin. The fact is that it is inevitable for the worlds of low vibrations, which is the third dimension you live in, since in the dual world everything has its opposite. Of course, by this concept I do not mean the emotions of low vibrations – such as aggression, hatred, greed, jealousy, envy and other negative energies generated by...
ДалееTRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Good from Divine point of view)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about what interaction of a Human God with other people should ideally be. Now we will talk about what GOODNESS from human and Divine points of view is. I see that many of you have not fully realized their peculiarities so far. In the dual world the opposite of good is evil, and it often manifests itself in a variety of ways. But the thing is that everyone reads their own thoughts into both the notions. It happens due to...