WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Responsibility for every thought, emotion and action)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to come back to the talk on collective human conscience again. Why do I lay such great emphasis on this issue? It is mainly for you to realize all your responsibility for each thought, emotion and action of yours. We have talked more than once with you about the fact that even one light person finding themselves in a company of the people who are possessed with passions can transform the energies that hold sway over there into positive...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Levels of collective human conscience of Fifth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now, after we have found out what the Fifth dimension human chakra system will be like, let us come back to the collective human conscience in this new high vibration world. As a matter of fact, it will differ little from the collective human conscience of the third dimension since it will be multilayer, too. But these layers will be now rarefied to the same extent, at least, the seven layers that correspond to the total chakra system of the Fifth dimension...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Number of chakras Fifth dimension humans will have)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to clear up the issue that as I know interests many of you: how many chakras the Fifth dimension humans will have. While in the third dimension world a person with a fully activated seventh chakra is rare to come across, in the Fifth dimension world it will become a usual thing. But beside the chakra system that will be developing as long as human vibrations will be increasing a significant part of the high worlds’ inhabitants’ life is...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Karmic “storage device” of Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And now we move on to the talk about the seventh human chakra in the space of the Fifth dimension. Unfortunately, in the third dimension world in case of the overwhelming majority of people it keeps in dormancy since its “opening” is hampered by the dense energies of this world and those of its inhabitants. Yet, it does not mean at all that it is doing nothing. No matter whether one feels it or not, it goes on performing its functions being an energy...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Not holding a grudge)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about new qualities of human chakras in the energy space of the Fifth dimension. What transformations will human sixth chakra undergo? As you already know, this chakra, being often called the “third eye”, is responsible for one’s intuition. But while in the third dimension world people have this “eye” almost “closed”, in the world of the Fifth dimension it will perform its functions to a full extent now. It is...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to highlight one important aspect that concerns the present-day confrontation between the deep state and the revived part of humanity. Why does Disclosure occur much slower than you would like it to do? The main reason for that is the fact that Disclosure takes place in different ways for everyone – depending on the level of one’s conscience. And such levels are plenty, as a matter of fact, starting from a merely average man’s one...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Framing for thoughts)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about the transformations that will happen to the fifth chakra of the Fifth dimension humans. Since it is responsible for self-expression and communication with other people, its functions are of great importance, for it is these “qualities” that the atmosphere of the Fifth dimension society depends on. Why is it sometimes so hard for people to get on well with each other in the third dimension world? The main reason is...