LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Freedom from third dimension matrix influence)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the last seventh point of your Plan on prompt leaving of the third dimension matrix and acquiring the vibrations necessary for Transition. And it is in that you learn to resist any influence directed at you both for the side of authorities and anyone whose conscience is under control of the third dimension world and is totally ruled by the current system. Nowadays on your planet there is in progress shocking separation of people not only...
Greetings, our dear earthlings! We have decided to come to you again since we see that events on your planet are taking a swift course now. In respect of this we would like to give you some tips so that you do not stumble at the very last minute but bring the matter to a head. In due course the similar events took place in our civilization as well. The wise and freedom-loving part of the Orion constellation’s inhabitants rebelled against the ruling top that complete seized power and was...